29 deciding the approach, deciding data source and identifying the data, interpreting the data, and reporting result. 1. Deciding Problem Deciding the problem of the research is the essential part of every research since the researcher conducted the research in order to find out the answer of the problems. In deciding the research problem, the researcher came from his personal interest in investigating swearing phenomenon in society that was represented in a game called “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. In this game, there could be found different varieties of swearing occurred throughout the game. 2. Reviewing Related Literature After specifying the research problems, the researcher then reviewed the relevant literature to gain more insight and knowledge about the topic. The researcher read several journals and books which mainly discussed about taboo, taboo words, swear words and swearing. Hence, the researcher could decide the relevant theories related to the research problems. 3. Collecting the Data The form of the data of this research was in the form of transcription. The transcript contained the speeches of the characters of “Borderlands: The Pre- Sequel” which is obtained from the internet. 4. Deciding the Approach After reviewing some relevant literatures and collecting the data, the researcher then designed the research. The approach which the researcher used was the qualitative approach. In supporting the approach, the method used was 30 content analysis. Content analysis study was assumed to be the most appropriate method in analyzing the data since the main data are in form of written transcription. 5. Analyzing the Data After the data was collected, the researcher then analyzed the data. The transcript was analyzed using the theories from different linguists and experts. In analyzing the type of swearing, the researcher employed the theory of Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, while for the motive of swearing, Andersson’s theory 1985 would be the basis. 6. Interpreting the Findings After analyzing the data, the next step the researcher conducted was interpreting the findings. The researcher presented the interpretation and explanation in narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the researcher also stated some conclusions about what the researcher had analyzed. 7. Reporting the Result Having analyzed the findings, the researcher then reported the result. Since the researcher conducted a qualitative study, the data presented is in form of narrative explanation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI