Social Motives Motives of Swearing

46 done. Just imagine it -- they take position, turn invisible, and then pfftbtbh Bad guys literally have NO idea what hit them I mean, y’know, they’re probably gonna assume it was a bullet because there’ll be a bullet hole in them, but whatever, it’s frickin’ awesome This conversation happened when Jack was explaining Doctor Grayson’s project to the Vault Hunter. He explained that Doctor Grayson would make him a cloaking device which could make him went invisible. Furthermore, Jack explained that he could shoot somebody while he was invisible. In this condition, he was then motivated to do swearing in order to indicate something he liked, which was the cloaking device. In his swearing “it’s frickin’ awesome”, it contained the swear word “frickin’” because he wanted to add that. He was motivated to do that because it was his habit to add some swear word before the other word in order to spice up something that he liked.

4.2 Research Discussion

In this part, I would provide some discussions to answer the two research questions based on the findings. The discussions were divided into two parts. The first discussion was talking about the types of swearing that were used by Jack. The next discussion covers the motives of Jack to do swearing in his conversation with the other character throughout the game. There would be some expert theories that could support the discussions. 47

4.2.1 Types of Swearing

The first objective in this research was dealing with the types of swearing which were used by Jack. Based on the findings, there were four types of swearing which were used by Jack in his swearing expressions throughout the story of the game. Those were expletive, abusive, humorous, and auxiliary. This findings was matched with Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, p. 36-37 theory about types of swearing. There were four types of swearing proposed by them; expletive swearing ES, abusive swearing AbS, humorous swearing HS, and auxiliary swearing AuS. However, among those four types of swearing, I found that Jack has a certain type of swearing which he would likely use in his swearing expression. That type was abusive swearing. Following it, Jack had used expletive and auxiliary type with the same frequency. The least used type of swearing was the humorous swearing. Below, there would be discussions about these tendencies and there will be example provided. Abusive Swearing

Abusive swearing was the most used swearing type by Jack in the game. 77 out of 134 swearing utterances were abusive swearings. Abusive swearing is kind of swearing which is usually conveyed to the addressee in order to wound them verbally. According to Andersson and Trudgill 1990, p. 36, abusive swearing can be derogatory or insulting, and is causing offense. This type of swearing includes name-calling and other cursing expressions. It can also be used to degrade something that frustrate or annoy the user. Based on the findings, there were two kinds of conditions in which Jack used this type of swearing. The first 48 condition which made Jack to use abusive swearing was when he wanted to abuse or insult directly toward the addressee. The second condition was when Jack used abusive swearing in order to mention someone by using abusive term but in the condition where he was not directly talked to the addressee. The findings then indicated that Jack would likely to use abusive swearing in the second condition. The following conversation will be the example of abusive swearing. Code: A New Direction 13 Jack So Hux was crawling around, searching for some kinda redemption huh? Well I’ll give him redemption In fact, let’s immortalize him in song Don’t destroy that last ECHO -- grab it Take it to Moxxi’s and give it to those DJ assholes, Boom and Rang. They owe me a favor -- I got them the gig. In this conversation, Jack was talking to the Vault Hunter. Jack wanted him to immortalize the memory of the Meriff’s memory by giving the Meriff’s recording to the DJs who later were expected to make a song based on the Meriff’s recording. In mentioning the DJs, Jack used the term “assholes” in order to degrade them. It was in line with Andersson and Trudgill 1990, p. 36 who stated that someone could utter abusive swearing in order to disparage, humiliate or degrade the addressee. However, Jack conveyed the swearing when the addressees were not present. So, his abusive swearing was indirectly conveyed toward the addressee. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI