Abusive Swearing Types of Swearing

51 spice up or emphasize the meaning of his expression by adding swear words on the utterance. Based on the findings, Jack preferred to use auxiliary swearing when he was in the second condition. The examples are presented below. Code: A New Direction 1 Zarpedon I’m sorry, people of Elpis. This is the only way. Jack Whoa How did they know about... yeah ,uh, I’ll get back to ya. Janey What just happened? The whole ruddy moon shook Jack Yeah, so uh, not good Zarpedon’s troops have taken control of the Eye of Helios It’s a big frickin’ laser in the heart of the space station. She’s targeting the moon’s core. Try not to panic but, uh, she’s trying to blow up Elpis. In this conversation, it could be indicated that Jack was shocked of something. It turned out that Zarpedon had known about the ultimate weapon in a form of giant laser which Zarpedon had just used it to shoot the Moon’s surface. In Jack’s reaction, he added the swear word ”frickin’” before the word laser in order to emphasize the danger of the giant laser. It was in accordance with Andersson and Trudgill’s 1990, p. 37 theory about auxiliary swearing which is functioned as an expression of intensifier or emphasizer toward someone or something. 52 Humorous Swearing

Humorous swearing was the least swearing type used by Jack. There were only 7 swearing expression uttered by Jack throughout the game. According to Andersson and Trudgills 1990, p. 37, humorous swearing occurs when swearing expression is uttered in a playful and humorous way. It can be found in humorous scenes in which it is directed to others but it is not necessarily insulting. Based on the findings, there are two kinds of humorous swearing which Jack would like to use. The first one was when the humorous swearing tended to be a tool for Jack to make joke in order to have a playful condition in a conversation. The second one was when the humorous swearing contained name-calling swear word that was functioned to tease the addressee, but with lack of negativity. However, it turned out that the humorous swearing which functioned as a teasing tool has more frequency. The example could be seen below. Code: Intelligence of the Artificial Persuasive 3 Jack What? The hot chick’s actually an ex-military AI reprogrammed to be some geek’s fake girlfriend? Sold Grab the lovely lady and get going We’ve got some friggin’ robots to build. In this conversation, Jack was surprised by the truth that the women who guided him all this time was actually an Artificial Intelligence program. He then expressed his astonishment by name-calling the women as “chick”. This swearing expression was not functioned to wound the women, but it functioned by Jack to tease the women. In accordance with Andersson and Trudgills 1990, p. 37, this swearing expression was not necessarily offensive or insulting. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53

4.2.2 Motives of Swearing

The second objective in this research is dealing with the motive for Jack to use swearing in expressing his emotion. Based on the findings, there are three kinds of motives found in Jack’s utterances. Those are psychological, social, and linguistic motives. However, among those motives, psychological motives take the greatest role in influencing Jack to do swearing. There are 87 swearing expressions which were motivated by psychological motive. The second one was linguistic motive. There were 41 swearing expressions which were influenced by linguistic motive. The least motive which did not affect Jack much was social motive. There were only 5 swearing expression which was motivated by social motive. In this discussion, the theory of motive of swearing by Andersson 1985, p. 110-122 would be used to support the explanation. Psychological Motive

Psychological motives of swearing emphasize that swearing is used to release stress and express someone’s feeling or emotion. It covers the urge of emotive feelings such as anger, shock, surprise, frustration, happiness, and joy. It also usually happens in reflex in order to restore emotional stability. Based on the findings, there are two conditions which would influence Jack psychologically to do swearing. The first condition, Jack was motivated or triggered to express his feeling by swearing when something made him frustrated or angry. In the second condition, Jack was motivated to do swearing when he was triggered by something that made him happy. However, the most influencing psychological PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI