Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques


This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the study. In this chapter, the researcher provides some analysis and discussion to answer two research problems of the study. There will be two major parts in this chapter. The first part is the research results and the second part is the research discussion.

4.1 Research Results

This section showed the findings that I obtained from the data gathering which was conducted previously. Based on the research questions, there were two major findings; the types of swearing and the motives of swearing. Those findings were limited only on the conversation which contained the swearing expression of Jack, the main character of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. The other swearing expressions of the other characters will not be analyzed. As the main character, Jack had important roles from the beginning until the end of the story. I found that Jack was always having conversation in every major event on the game. Furthermore, he mostly used swearing expressions in his conversation with the other characters. Overall, there were 134 swearing expressions which were uttered by Jack throughout the story of the game

4.1.1 The Types of Swearing

I found that Jack was the only character who mostly expressed his feeling by using swearing utterances in the game “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”. 31 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 Among those swearing expressions, Jack had several types of swearing used throughout the game. Those types were expletive, abusive, humorous, and auxiliary. Expletive Type

Expletive swearing was swearing expression which was uttered by Jack in a form of exclamatory. It was like the expression of ouch, oh, or wow but in a form of swearing which functioned as an act of letting off steam. This kind of swearing was uttered by Jack reflexively which means that Jack uttered the swearing spontaneously without thinking. Based on the data, it was found that this kind of swearing was uttered by Jack in a lot of situation like when he felt angry, threatened, shocked, astonished, or even happy. Below is the example of Jack’s swearing utterance which he expressed when he felt happy. Code: Welcome to Helios 2 Jack Holy crap You saved my life Thank you Heh -- sorry, heart’s pounding. Never been shot at before. Kinda fun, actually. Look, these crazy bastards attacked Helios Station right after I sent for you guys. If we can drive them off, we’ll be free to go after that Vault on the moon’s surface. Hey, just let me activate the defense controls. Few seconds, we’ll have turrets, force fields, laser wires -- these assholes won’t know what hit ‘em. That conversation happened after Jack was being shot by unknown soldiers that suddenly broke into his space station and it seemed that he would