Psychological Motive Motives of Swearing

57 explanation was actaully too difficult to be understood by the Vault Hunter. Thus, Jack was triggered to strengthen hi social bond with the Vault Hunter by teasing him with the swear word “moron”. There was no negative feeling occurred in that conversation. Jack was deliberately said that swearing utterance in order to indicate his friendliness with the Vault Hunter. It is in line with Andersson’s 1985, p. 111 theory about social motive. He stated that people are triggered to do swearing in order to achieve social bond with the addressee.


This chapter contains of two major sections. The first section is conclusions and the second section is recommendations. In the first section, there will be the summary of the findings of the research. The second section contains the recommendation for future research and study.

5.1 Conclusions

This study aims to answer two research problems. The answer can be drawn based on the findings and discussion which have been done previously by using content analysis method. There are two major kinds of conclusions based on the two research problems. The first one is the conclusion about the types of swearing and the second conclusion is about the motives of swearing.

5.1.1 Types of Swearing

Based on the swearing expressions which are uttered by the main character of “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”, Jack, there are four different types of swearing found. Those are expletive swearing, abusive swearing, humorous swearing, and auxiliary swearing. Each of them has their own characteristic and is used in many different situations. Specifically, the type of swearing which is mostly used by Jack is the abusive swearing. By this fact, it is known that Jack had a lot of situation where he insulted other people or things by using swearing utterances. By the excessive amount of Jack’s abusive swearing, Jack would like to show that 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 he was enjoy in insulting someone or something and he preferred in conveying his intentions by insulting others. It could also be said that insulting others was Jack’s habit in conversations.

5.1.2 Motives of Swearing

In the game “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel”, Jack as the main character has three kinds of motive behind his swearing utterances in the conversation which is occurred throughout the game. Those are psychological motive, social motive, and linguistic motive. Specifically, the motive that mostly triggers Jack to swear is psychological motive. It is then concluded that there were a lot of situations which affected Jack’s psychological condition. Those situations motivated Jack to express his emotion by uttering swearing words. Jack was easily motivated to swear by frustrating condition and swearing itself helped Jack relieving the emotional pressure he had. In other words, swearing helped Jack to achieve good feeling.

5.2 Recommendations

After conducting this study, I would like to make some recommendations. The recommendations are addressed to English Language Education Study Program lecturers, English Language Education Study Program students, and future researchers. Lecturers are expected to have broad knowledge about the subject they are going to teach. In this case, English Language Education Study Program lecturers should have deeper understanding about linguistic aspect, specifically in swearing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI