Energy Demand Model Model dan Pemutakhiran Data


1.2.3 Pemutakhiran Data

Data-data penting yang digunakan dalam buku ini adalah sebagai berikut: Pasokan CBM mengikuti data dari Kementerian ESDM untuk tahun 2011–2036. Teknologi coal to liquid CTL yang dipertimbangkan: proses indirect coal liquefaction dengan kapasitas produksi 50 ribu barelhari. Penambahan kilang-kilang minyak baru mengikuti rencana PT Pertamina yaitu pembangunan Kilang New Balongan dan Kilang Tuban, masing-masing dengan kapasitas 200 ribu barelhari. Pembangkit listrik super-critical boiler dimanfaatkan mulai tahun 2014. LNG receiving terminal dipertimbangkan. Biaya produksi pembangkit listrik hanya didasarkan pada keekonomiannya. • • • • • • • • • • • • Cadangan terbukti minyak bumi sebesar 3,74 miliar barel berdasarkan Statistik Minyak Bumi 2012 dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral ESDM. Cadangan terbukti gas bumi sebesar 103,35 TCF. berdasarkan Statistik Gas Bumi 2012 dari Kementerian ESDM. Cadangan batubara sebesar 28 miliar ton berdasarkan Indonesia Mineral and Coal Statistics 2012 dari Kementerian ESDM. Sumberdaya CBM Coal Bed Methane sebesar 453 TCF dari Ditjen Migas, Kementerian ESDM dengan mempertimbangkan perkiraan produksi CBM Indonesia 2009 untuk wilayah Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, dan Kalimantan Selatan. Sumber daya dan cadangan panas bumi sudah diperhitungkan per wilayah dengan total sebesar 29 GW berdasarkan Handbook of Energy Economic Statistics of Indonesia 2012 dari Kementerian ESDM. Potensi tenaga air sudah diperhitungkan per wilayah dengan total sebesar 26,3 GW berdasarkan master plan study for hydro power development in Indonesia dari Nippon Koei tahun 2011.

1.2.3 Data Update

Key data used in this book are as follows: Supply for CBM follows data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the years 2011-2036. Technology for coal to liquid CTL that is considered is indirect coal liquefaction process with production capacity of 50 thousand barrels day. Addition of new oil refineries follows PT Pertamina plans which include New Balongan Refinery and Tuban Refinery, each with a capacity of 200 thousand barrelsday. The power plant with super-critical boiler is to be utilized starting 2014. LNG receiving terminal is considered to be operated in the near future. The cost of power production based solely on its economics. • • • • • • • • • • • • The proven reserves of oil amounted to 3.74 billion barrels based Oil Statistics 2013 from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MEMR. The proven reserves amounted to 104.71 trillion cubic feet of natural gas based on Gas Statistics 2013 from the MEMR. Coal reserves amounted to 28 billion tonnes based on data from the Indonesia Mineral and Coal Statistics 2012 from the MEMR. Resources CBM Coal Bed Methane amount to 453 TCF based on data from Directorate General of Oil and Gas, MEMR. It considers the estimation of Indonesia’s CBM production on 2009 in Riau, South Sumatra, East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. Resources and reserves of geothermal energy is based on area with a total of 29 GW. This is obtained from 2012 Handbook of Energy Economic Statistics of Indonesia of the MEMR. Potential hydropower is based on area with per area with total of 26.3 GW. It is taken from master plan study for hydro power development in Indonesia by Nippon Koei in 2011.