cxli Dialogue 3 Inside the truck. The driver is trying to confirm some suspicions to Tom

28. Driver

: Goin’ 03D3DVGOWf far?

29. Tom

: Just a few miles. I’d a walked her if my dogs wasn’t pooped out. 30. Driver : Lookin’ 04D3DVGOWf for a job? 31. Tom : No, my old man got a place, forty acres. He’s a sharecropper, but we been there a long time. Data analysis: The dialogue between Tom and the driver above happened inside the truck. Tom asked for a lift to the driver. They finally sat side by side and the driver eyed Tom trying to confirm some suspicion. To melt down the situation, the driver asked Tom some questions by employing the non-standard language. The relax situation influenced the driver in employing the non-standard language, although they just met. Meanwhile, for the sake of politeness, Tom answered the questions by using the formal language. The situation of the conversation of the dialogue was relax situation. Both of them were inside the truck moving along the road. It was clear that the situation could affect the employing of the non-standard language. This was possible because the conversation could become the casual conversation. Although Tom and the driver just met, they could create the relax situation. It was because the setting of the place also supported the situation of the conversation. Therefore, the use of the non-standard language could melt down the tense and create the relax situation. cxlii 3. Topic of the conversation The topic of the conversation is one of the affecting factors of the use of the non-standard language. The topics that are often used by the speaker to employ the non-standard language are about the daily matters, the personal problems or other cases that have informal characteristics since the matters are about the relax things. This affecting factor, for example, can be seen in the Dialogue 50. Dialogue 50 In the campground. A man murmurs approbation of Connie’s guitar playing and makes a chit-chat with Pa and Tom