Casy Second deputy Category G Domain: Party, Social Distance: Intimate Category H Domain: Party, Social Distance: Distant

cxliv The Joads truck was seen at a gas station. Pa took a deep leather pouch, untied the strings and began to calculate his money as the fat proprietor advanced. The fat man asked his costumer in suspicious look. He doubted his that customer have any money. Al showed his anger by employing the non-standard language. The fat man felt sorry for them by saying the non-standard language. They employed the non-standard language although they just met. The setting of the place influenced the employing of the non-standard language in the dialogue above. The gas station was on the open area and this place was not a formal place. The participants of the conversation in this place did not have to use the non-standard language. Therefore, the setting of the place that has informal characteristic affected the participants of the conversation in using the non-standard language. 5. Purpose of the speaking The purpose of the speaking is also one of the affecting factors for someone in using the non-standard language. The non-standard language is preferred for some purposes such as to show intimacy, to make a chit-chat, to make the conversation more intimate, to express anger and so on. The Dialogue 88 below is one of the examples of the dialogue in which the speaker use the non- standard language to express his anger. Dialogue 88 In the bridge. The deputy catches Casy because he suspects Casy as the leader of the men in the camp

38. Casy

: Listen, you fellas. You don’t know what you’re doin’. You’re helpin’ 234D88JCGOWf to stave kids. 39. Deputy : Shut up, you red… cxlv

40. Second deputy

: Looks like to me you killed him. 41. Deputy : Turn him over. Put the light on him. Data analysis: The dialogue above happened near the bridge. In the night when Casy, Tom and other men gathered in Tom’s cabin, the guards went there to catch them. They could escape from the guards, but they were caught near the bridge. Tom and Casy were alone for the others have fled. The deputy tried to catch Casy because he suspected that Casy was the leader of the men in the camp.

7. Category G Domain: Party, Social Distance: Intimate

Category G is the mixing between the domain party and the social distance intimate. The party domain consists of a set of factors, i.e. certain place setting, certain role-relationship participants and certain topic. The setting of conversation in this domain can be in the café, house, pub, and restaurant. The participants in this domain are the host of the party and the visitors of the party who have a close relationship. The topics that are suitable for this category are party-related, such as food and beverage, dancing, music and other casual topics. In the film The Grapes of Wrath, the researcher did not find the datum which belongs to this category.

8. Category H Domain: Party, Social Distance: Distant

In this category, the social domain is party and the social distance is distant. The party domain is an integration of some factors namely certain place setting, certain role-relationship participants, and certain topic. The setting of conversation in this domain can be in the café, house, pub, and restaurant. The participants in this domain are the host of the party and the visitors of the party cxlvi who have a close relationship. The topics that are suitable for this category are party-related, such as food and beverage, dancing, music and other casual topics. In this category, there is a tendency to build an intimate relationship between participants since they have a distant relationship. There are 3 dialogues that can be included in this category: Dialogue 99 Dialogue 100 Dialogue 101 From the dialogues above, the researcher found that there were 2 factors affecting the use of non-standard language in the conversation between the participants. Those affecting factors are as follows: 1. Status of the participants 2. Purpose of the speaking 1. Situation of the participants The status of the participants is one of the affecting factors of the use of the non-standard language. People who are accustomed to speak the non-standard language are from lower class because they are usually uneducated or less- educated people. They do not pay attention whether their speaking is appropriate or not. They also do not care with whom they speak. In the party domain this affecting factor can be found in the Dialogue 99. Dialogue 99 In the gate of the party hall. Wilkie and Jule are making a light conversation before they enter the hall