Girl Pa John : Tom : John : Agent : Agent : Floyd : Agent :

clxxviii The Joads reach California. Grandma is dead

12. Ma

: Granma’s dead.

13. Tom :

When? 14. Ma : Since before they stopped us las’ 184D67MJGOWc night. 15. Tom : An’ that’s why you didn’t want ‘em to look?

16. Ma

: I was afraid they’d stop us an’ wouldn’t let us cross. But I tol’ her when she was dyin’. I tol’ her the fambly had ta 185D67MJGOWi get acrost. I tol’ her we couldn’t take no chances on bein’ be stopped.

17. Ma

: So it’s all right. At leas’ she’ll get buried in a nice green place. Trees and flowers aroun’ 186D67MJGOWc. She got to lay her head down in California after all. Dialogue 68 In a town street. Tom is speaking to a policeman and the others stand listening solemnly in the background Tom : Where’s the bes’ 187D68TJGOWc place to get some work aroun’ here? Don’t matter what kin’ 188D68TJGOWc either. Policeman : If I seen one a them things I must a seen ten thousan’. Pa : Ain’t no good? Policeman : Not here – not now. Month ago there was some pickin’ but it’s all moved south now. Whereabout in Oklahoma you from? Tom : Sallisaw. Policeman : I come out from Cherokee County – two years ago. Rosasharn : Why, Connie’s folks from Cherokee County. Policeman : Okay, ma’am, let’s don’t go into it. I already met about a hundred firs’ 189D68ONGOWc cousins an’ it mus’ 190D68ONGOWc be five hundred secon’ 191D68ONGOWc . But this is what I got to tell you, don’t try to park inn town tonight. Keep on out to that camp. If we catch you in town after dark we got to lock you up. Don’t forget. Pa : But what we gonna do? Policeman : Pop, that just ain’t up to me. But I don’t min’ 19268ONGOWc tellin’ you, the guy they ought to lock up is the guy that sent out them things. Dialogue 69 Outside the Joads’ tent. The Ma is cooking surround by fifteen barefooted children in hunger

107. Ma

: Well, it’s a good thing some a you ain’t hungry, because they ain’t enough to go all the way roun’.

108. Girl

: Aw, he was braggin’ 193D69ONGOWf. Know what he done? Las’ night, come out an’ say they got chicken to eat. Well, sir, I looked in whilst 194D69ONGOWi they was a-eatin’ an’ it was fried dough jus’ like ever’body else. clxxix

109. Pa

: How ‘bout it? 110. Ma : Go get Tom an’ Al. I dunno what to do. I got to feed the fambly. What’m I gonna do with these here? Dialogue 70 Inside the Joads’ tent. Uncle John gave the food to Tom for he sees the many hungry children surround him

111. John :

You take this. I ain’t hungry. 112. Tom : Whatta ya mean? You ain’t hungry. 113. John : I know, but I got stomickache 195D70UJGOWi. I ain’t hungry.

114. Tom :

You take that plate inside the tent an’ you eat it.

115. John :

Wouldn’t be no use. I’d still see ‘em inside the tent. Dialogue 71 In the road. An agent offers a job to all of the men in the camp

116. Agent :

You men want to work? 117. Pa : Sure we wanta work. Where’s it at?

118. Agent :

Tulare County. Fruit’s opening up. Need a lot off pickers.

119. Floyd :

You doin’ the hirin’ 196D71ONGOWf?

120. Agent :

Well, I’m contracting the land. Dialogue 72 Outside the Joad Tent, in the road. Floyd and an agent are involved in serious argument First man : Why can’t you tell? You took the contrac’ 197D72ONGOWc , didn’ 198D72ONGOWc you? Agent : That’s true. But it’s keyed to the price. Might be a little more, might be a little less. Floyd : All right, mister. I’ll go. You just show your license to contrack 199D72ONGOWi , an’ then you make out a order – where an’ when an’ how much you gonna pay – an’ you sign it an’ we’ll go. Agent : You trying to tell me how to run my own business? Floyd : ‘F 200D72ONGOWb we’re workin’ for you, it’s our business too. An’ how do we know – you ain’t one a the guys that sent these things out? Agent : Listen, Smart Guy. I’ll run my business my own way. I got work. If you want to take it, okay. If not, just sit here, that’s all. Floyd : to other men Twicet now I’ve fell for that line. Maybe he needs a thousan’ men. So hee get’s fivee thousan’ there, an’ he’ll pay fifteen cents a hour. An’ you guys’ll have to take it ‘cause 201D72ONGOWb you’ll be hungry. ‘F he wants to hire men, let him write it out an’ say what he’s gonna pay. Ast to see his license. He ain’t allowed by law to contrack men without a license. Dialogue 73 On the street. The agent asks for help from the deputy to shut the Floyd’s mouth up clxxx

121. Floyd :