
185. Casy :

Lookie 223D85JCGOWi, Tom. We come here to work. They tell us it’s gonna be fi’ cents. But they was a whole lot of us, so the man says two an’ a half cents. Well, a fella can’t even eat on that, an’ if he got kids… So we says we won’t take it. So they druv us off. Now they’re payin’ you five – but when they bust this strike ya think they’ll pay five?

186. Tom :

I dunno. Payin’ five now.

187. Casy :

I don’t expeck 224D85JCGOWi we can las’ much longer – some a the folks ain’t et for two days. You goin’ back tonight?

188. Tom :

I aim to. 189. Casy : Well – tell the folks inside how it is, Tom. Tell ‘em they’re starvin’ 225D85JCGOWf and stabbin’ 226D85JCGOWf theirself in the back. An’ as sure as God made little apples it’s goin’ back to two an’ a half jus’ as soon as they clear us out. Dialogue 86 Inside the tent. Frank, Tom and Casy are talking about unfortunate situation they faced

190. Frank :

An’ the nex’ 226D86ONGOWc thing you know you’ll be out, because they got it all figgered down to a T – until the harvest is in your’re a migrant worker – afterwards, just a bum.

191. Tom :

Five they’re a- getting’ now, an’ that’s all they’re int’ested 227D86TJGOWe in. I now exackly 228D86TJGOWi what Pa’d say. He’d jus’ say it wasn’t none a his business. 192. Casy : I guess that’s right. Have to take a beatin’ 229D86JCGOWf before he’ll know. 193. Tom : We was outa food. Tonight we had meat. Not much, but we had it. Thinks Pa’s gonna give up his meat on account a other fellas? An’ Rosasharn needs milk. Think Ma’s gonna starve that baby jus’ cause a bunch a fellas is yellin’ outside a gate? 194. Casy : Got to learn, like I’m a- learnin’ 230D86JCGOWf. Don’t know it right yet myself, but I’m tryin’ to fin’ out. That’s why I can’t ever be a preacher again. Preacher got to know. I don’t. I got to ask. Dialogue 87 Inside the tent. Casy is regarded as the leader of the migrants by the deputy

195. Frank :

‘T 231D87ONGOWb ain’t outa the question, y’know.

196. Casy :

All of us a little itchy. Cops been tellin’ us how they gonna beat us up an’ run us outa the country. Not them reg’lar 232D87JCGOWa deppities 233D87JCGOWi, but them tin-star fellas they got for guards. They figger I’m the leader because I talk so much.

197. Frank :

Turn out that light an’ come outside. They’s sumpin’ here. Dialogue 88 In the bridge. The deputy catches Casy because he suspects Casy as the leader of the men in the camp clxxxiv Casy : Listen, you fellas. You don’t know what you’re doin’. You’re helpin’ 234D88JCGOWf to stave kids. Deputy : Shut up, you red… Second deputy : Looks like to me you killed him. Deputy : Turn him over. Put the light on him. Dialogue 89 Inside the house. Tom escapes from the deputy by swimming in the river and Ma cures his wound