First man Floyd Agent

cxxxix in using the non-standard language. In the public domain, it can be seen in the Dialogue 72. Dialogue 72 Outside the Joad Tent, in the road. Floyd and an agent are involved in serious argument

21. First man

: Why can’t you tell? You took the contrac’ 197D72ONGOWc, didn’ 198D72ONGOWc you? 22. Agent : That’s true. But it’s keyed to the price. Might be a little more, might be a little less.

23. Floyd

: All right, mister. I’ll go. You just show your license to contrack 199D72ONGOWi, an’ then you make out a order – where an’ when an’ how much you gonna pay – an’ you sign it an’ we’ll go.

24. Agent

: You trying to tell me how to run my own business? 25. Floyd : ‘F 200D72ONGOWb we’re workin’ for you, it’s our business too. An’ how do we know – you ain’t one a the guys that sent these things out? 26. Agent : Listen, Smart Guy. I’ll run my business my own way. I got work. If you want to take it, okay. If not, just sit here, that’s all. 27. Floyd : to other men Twicet now I’ve fell for that line. Maybe he needs a thousan’ men. So he gets five thousan’ there, an’ he’ll pay fifteen cents a hour. An’ you guys’ll have to take it ‘cause 201D72ONGOWb you’ll be hungry. ‘F he wants to hire men, let cxl him write it out an’ say what he’s gonna pay. Ast to see his license. He ain’t allowed by law to contrack men without a license. Data analysis: The dialogue above happened at the road. A labor agent approached a group of men. The agent, wearing a flat-brimmed Stetson and with his pockets filled with pencils and booklets, looked down at the silent men. All of men in the camp approach slowly and silently. The women gave their anxious attention in the background. Among the men who walked up was Floyd, a grimly disappointed young man. The agent offered a job to the men in the camp, but he could not tell exactly how much the salary was. Floyd made some troubles by asking the license of contract to the agent. The agent was offended by Floyd’s statement and angry to him. Here, Floyd employed the non-standard language when he spoke to the agent. It was because Floyd was from the lower class and an uneducated man. Meanwhile, the agent used the standard language since he came from the upper class. Their social status influenced them in using whether the non-standard language or the standard language. 2. Situation of the conversation The situation of the conversation influences the use of the non-standard language. The speaker often uses the non-standard language in informal event serious or relax situation. However, the speaker uses the non-standard language more often in relax situation than in serious one. This affecting factor, for example, can be seen in the Dialogue 3. cxli Dialogue 3 Inside the truck. The driver is trying to confirm some suspicions to Tom

28. Driver