Tom : Tom : Al Pa Tom Ma : Grandpa : Grandpa

clxx Pa : That’s Connie Rivers with her. They’re married now. She’s due about three-four months. Tom : Why, she wasn’t no more’n 87D35TJGOWd a kid when I went up. Al : You bust outa jail, Tom? Tom : Naw. They paroled me. Dialogue 36 In the backyard of the house. Tom, Pa, and Al are at various tasks. They talk as they work

7. Tom :

How you get all this money? 8. Pa : Sol’ 88D36PJGOWc things, chopped cotton – even Grampa. Got us about two hunnerd 89D36PJGOWi dollars all tol’. Shucked out seventy-five for his truck, but we still got nearly a hunnerd and fifty to set out on. I figger we oughta 90D36PJGOWd be able to make it on that.

9. Tom :

Easy. After all, they ain’t but about twelve of us, is they?

10. Al

: She’ll prob’ly 91D36ALGOWa ride like a bull calf – but she’ll ride

11. Pa

: Reckon we better begin roustin’ 92D36PJGOWf ‘em out if we aim to get outa here by daylight. How about it, John? How you boys comin’? Dialogue 37 Inside the house. Ma is preparing the stuff to be brought

5. Tom

: How about it, Ma?

6. Ma :

I’m ready. Rosasharn honey Wake up the chillun. We’re fixin’ to leave. 7. Pa : Where’s Grampa? Al, go git 93D37PJGOWi ‘im 94D37PJGOWb. 8. Grandma : I’m gonna sit up front Somebody he’p 95D37GMGOWg me Dialogue 38 In the backyard of the house. Tom lifts Grandma into the truck Grandma : I ain’t gonna sit with Grampa Pa : Connie, you he’p Rosasharn up there alongside Ruthi and Winfield. Where’s Grampa? Grandma : Where he al’ays is, prob’ly Pa : Well, leave him a place, but Noah, you and John, y’ll kinda 96D38PJGOWd find yourself a place – kinda keep it even all around. Dialogue 39 In the backyard of the house. Grandpa does not want to leave the house

9. Grandpa :

Lemmo 97D39GPGOWd Lemmo go, I tell you 10. Al : He wasn’t sleepin’ 98D39ALGOWf. He was settin’ 99D39ALGOWf out back of the barn. They’s somepin’ wrong with him.

11. Grandpa

: Ef 100D39GPGOWi you don’t let me go … Dialogue 40 clxxi Outside of The Joads’ house. Grandpa rejects to leave the family land