Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa Ma Ma Tom : Pa Grandpa

clxxi Outside of The Joads’ house. Grandpa rejects to leave the family land

12. Grandpa

: I ain’t talkin’ 101D40GPGOWf about you, I’m talkin’ about me. And I’m a-stayin’ 102D40GPGOWf. I give her a good goin’ over all night long – and I’m a-stayin’. 13. Pa : But you can do that, Grampa. This here land is goin’ under the tractor. We all got to git out.

14. Grandpa

: All but me I’m a- stayin’. 15. Tom : How ‘bout 103D40TJGOWb Granma? 16. Grandpa : Take her with you Dialogue 41 In the corner of the house. Grandpa is miserable and angry, too old to accept such a violent change in his life

17. Grandpa

: Muley’s livin’ 104D41GPGOWf, ain’t he? And I’m twicet 105D41GPGOWi the man Muley is 18. Pa : Now listen, Grampa. Listen to me, just a minute. 19. Grandpa : And I ain’t gonna listen either. I tol’ you what I’m gonna do. And I don’t give a hoot in a hollow if they’s oranges and grapes crowdin’ 106D41GPGOWf a fella 107D41GPGOWh outa bed even, I ain’t goin’ to California This here’s my country. I b’long here. It ain’t no good – but it’s mine. Dialogue 42 Inside the cabin. Ma is making coffee for Grandpa

20. Ma

: Wait. There’s a half a bottle a soothin’ 108D42MJGOWf syrup here. It put the chillun to sleep. 21. Tom : Don’t taste bad.

22. Ma

: And they’s some coffee here. I could fix him a cup

23. Tom :

That’s right. And douse some in it. Dialogue 43 Inside the cabin. Ma is pouring coffee into a can as Grandpa is seen Grandpa : If Muley can scrabble along, I can do it too. I smell spareribs. Somebody been eatin’ 109D43GPGOWf? How come I ain’t got some? Ma : Got some saved for you, Grampa. Got ‘em warmin’ 110D43MJGOWf now. Here’s a cuppa 111D43MJGOWd coffee. Grandpa : Awright, but get me some a them spareribs, too. Get me a whole a mess of ‘em. I’m hongry 112D43GPGOWi. Dialogue 44 In the truck after dawn. Pa, Tom and Noah lift Grandpa into the truck. Grandpa mumbles angrly

24. Pa

: Easy, easy You wanta 113D44PJGOWd bust his head wide open?

25. Grandpa

: Ain’t goin’, thas all… 26. Pa : Put somepin’ over him, so he won’t git sun-struck. Ever’body set now? Awright, Al, letta 114D44PJGOWd go Dialogue 45 Outside the house. The Joads are ready to set for the West clxxii

27. Casy :