Category D Domain: Friendship, Social Distance: Distant Muley

cxxvii Frank : This here’s a strike. Tom : Well, fi’ 222D84TJGOWh cents a box ain’t much, but a fella can eat. Frank : Fi’ cents They payin’ you fi’ cents? Tom : Sure. We made a buck since midday. Data analysis: The participants of the dialogue above were Casy, Tom and Frank. The dialogue happened inside the tent. Tom met Casy again for the first time for they separated in the night after they quarrelled with the deputy. Tom was introduced to Frank by Casy. They soon involved in intimate conversation talking about job. Although Tom and Frank just met, they felt that they were close friends. Therefore, they chose to employ the non-standard language to make intimacy. Frank asked to Tom first by using non-standard language although he just met Tom. Frank’s purpose of using non-standard language in his first meeting with Tom was to make the conversation more intimate and to make close relationship. Tom also used the non-standard language to make equality between them. By using the non-standard language they could speak up their thoughts freely. They talked about wage of picking peaches in a relax situation. The use of the non- standard language made them get closer. The purpose of speaking set by the participants in the dialogue above influences the use of the non-standard language. Their purposes of using the non- standard language are to make intimacy and to make close relationship.

4. Category D Domain: Friendship, Social Distance: Distant

cxxviii In this category, the domain is friendship and the social distance is distant. The friendship domain is a constellation of certain place setting, certain role- relationship participant and certain topic. In this domain the setting can take place at home, school, street or public area. The topic in this category can be light matters or daily matters. The participants of the conversation are not close friends since the social distance between them is distant. There are 6 dialogues that can be included in this category. Dialogue 18 Dialogue 19 Dialogue 20 Dialogue 22 Dialogue 23 Dialogue 75 From the dialogues above, the researcher found that there were 4 factors affecting the use of non-standard language in the conversation between the participants. Those affecting factors are as follows: 1. Social status of the participants 2. Situation of the conversation 3. Setting of the place 4. Purpose of the speaking 1. Social status of the participants People who are accustomed to speak non-standard language are from lower class, because they are uneducated or less-educated people. They usually do not pay attention whether their speaking is appropriate or not. They just want to speak and the listener understands what they mean. This affecting factor can be seen in Dialogue 18. Dialogue 18: In the Muley’s dooryard. Muley was angry to a city man for he insisted to stay in his land cxxix The man : Fact of matter, Muley, after what the dusters done to the land, the tenant system doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t even break even, much less show a profit. One man on a tractor can handle twelve or fourteen of these places. You just pay him a wage and take all the crop.

5. Muley

: But we couldn’t do on any less’n 42D18MLGOWd what our share is now. The chillun 42D18MLGOWe ain’t gettin’ enough to eat as it is, and they’re so ragged we’d be shamed if ever’body else’s chillun wasn’t the same way. The Man : I can’t help that. All I know is I got my orders. They told me to tell you got to get off, and that’s what I’m telling you. Data analysis: The dialogue above happened in the Muley’s dooryard. It was a soft spring day with the peaceful sound of the country. A city man sat in a touring car with a collar and tie. He talked to Muley in arrogant manner. He got orders to force Muley get off from his land, but Muley insisted to stay. They were involved in serious conversation. Both of them tried to defend their own standpoints. Muley and the man had known each other, but they did not have close relationship. From the way he dressed and spoke, it was clear that the man was from the higher class. He wore a collar and a tie that showed his high social status. He spoke to Muley by using the formal language for he was a educated man. Meanwhile Muley employed the non-standard language. The employing of the non-standard language by Muley showed that Muley was from lower class and he was an uneducated man. From the analysis above, it can be concluded that social status of the participants influences the use of language both the standard language and the cxxx non-standard language. The person who was educated tends to use the standard language when he speaks. Meanwhile the person who was categorized as uneducated people or lower class frequently employs the non-standard language when he speaks. 2. Situation of the conversation The situation of the conversation can be one of the affecting factors of the use the non-standard language. The speaker often uses the non-standard language in informal event serious or relax situation. However, the non-standard language is mostly used in relax situation. This affecting factor, for example can be seen in Dialogue 75. Dialogue 75 Outside the tent. Casy takes the blame for knocking down the deputy