The Grapes of Wrath

xli It is an inversion of the auxiliary and indefinite pronoun subject, e.g. “Can’t nobody do it” for SE “Nobody can do it.”

H. The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath is John Ford’s most famous black and white epic drama. This film is the classis adaptation of John Steinbeck’s novel. The novel itself is said by many to be Steinbeck’s masterpiece. Later, Hollywood producer, Daryl F. Zanuck purchased the film rights to the novel within a month of its publication in March 1939, paying Steinbeck 75.000. The film was released less than one year later. Nunally Johnson had been hired to do the screenplay. His admirable script simplified the story already well-suited for filming and eliminated its rough language while still retaining the basic characters and themes. John Steinbeck was both pleased with the script and the film for the screenplay is remarkably faithful to its Steinbeck source material grap2.html . The Grapes of Wrath deals directly with the plight of the migrant farm workers from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma during the “Dust Bowl” of the early 1930’s when a combination of over planting and record droughts decimated the farmlands of the lower plains states, forcing the Westward migration of entire communities not only in search of a better life, but for their survival. The Grapes of Wrath is the story of one Oklahoma farmer’s family referred to as Okies during the “Dust Bowl” years when drought caused a lot of farmers to lose everything. This film directs its focus on one family in particular, the Joads of Oklahoma, led by the elder son Tom, who in time becomes filled with an almost missionary zeal in his determination to relocate the family to greener pastures. The journey to California is filled with disaster, small triumphs, hunger, and thirst, love, death, sickness and prejudice. California, advertised as the land of milk and honey by ruthless businessmen seeking to exploit the cheap labor, turns out to be a hotbed of hatred and violence. The Joads are treated like ‘slaves’, not even paid enough to buy food. Like other workers, they live in the government camp. The film ends with the Joads leaving the security of the government camp in the tone of upbeat all the way. Thus different from the novel, the film ends without destructive flood and without the final gesture of universal love


A. Type of Study

As mentioned previously, this study belongs to the domain of qualitative research and employs descriptive method in exploring the language namely the phonological features of Black American English in the film entitled The Grapes of Wrath . This research is called a qualitative research for the collected data were in the form of sentences and they were classified into some categories for getting conclusions. It matches with Arikunto’s statement: “Data penelitian bersifat