Ma Tom : Ma Tom : Tom :

clxxxiv Casy : Listen, you fellas. You don’t know what you’re doin’. You’re helpin’ 234D88JCGOWf to stave kids. Deputy : Shut up, you red… Second deputy : Looks like to me you killed him. Deputy : Turn him over. Put the light on him. Dialogue 89 Inside the house. Tom escapes from the deputy by swimming in the river and Ma cures his wound

198. Ma

: How’s it feel, Tommy?

199. Tom :

Busted my cheek but I can still see. What’d you here? 200. Ma : Looks like you done it. 201. Tom : I kinda thought so. Felt like it. 202. Ma : Folks ain’t talkin’ about much else. They say they got posses out. Talkin’ about a lynchin’ 235D89MJGOWf – when they ketch 236D89MJGOWi the fella. 203. Tom : They killed Casy first.

204. Ma

: That ain’t the way they’re tellin’ it. They’re sayin’ 237D89MJGOWf you done it fust. Dialogue 90 Inside the house. Tom will leave his family because he has made some burdens to his family, but Ma does not come along with the idea

205. Tom :

I’m gonna go away tonight. I can’t go puttin’ this on you folks. 206. Ma : Tom They’s a whole lot I don’t understan’ 238D90MJGOWc, but goin’ away ain’t gonna ease us. They was the time when we was on the lan’. They was a bound’ry 239D90MJGOWa to us then. Ol’ folks died off, an’ little fellas come, an’ we was always one thing – we was the fambly – kinda whole an’ clear. But now we ain’t clear no more. They ain’t nothin; keeps us clear. Al – he’s a- hankerin’ 240D90MJGOWf an’ a-jibbitin’ 241D90MJGOWf to go off on his own. An’ Uncle John is just a- draggin’ 242D90MJGOWf along. Pa’s lost his place – he ain’t the head no more. We’re crackin’ 243D90MJGOWf up, Tom. They ain’t now fambly now. Rosasharn – she gonna have her baby, but it ain’t gonna have no fambly. I been tryin’ to keep her goin’ but – Winfield – what’s he gonna be, this a-way? Growin’ 244D90MJGOWf up wild, an’ Ruthie, too – like animals. Got nothin’ to trus’ 245D90MJGOWc. Don’t go Tom. Stay an’ help. Help me.

207. Tom :

Okay, Ma. I shouldn’t, though. I know I shouldn’t. But okay. Dialogue 91 In the front sit of the truck. Rosasharn feels sad because Connie is not with her Rosasharn : Ma…you know, if Connie was here I wouldn’t min’ any a this. Ma : I know, honey, an’ just as soon as we get settled Al’s gonna set out an’ look for him. How ‘bout gas, Tom? Tom : Full up. Uncle John come through with five bucks he been hol’in’ 246D91TJGOWc,f out on us since we lef’ home. clxxxv Dilaogue 92 On a country road. The Joads’ truck is in trouble and Tom tries to fix it Tom : She’s hotter’n 247D92TJGOWd a heifer. Al : Fan-belt’s shot Tom : Picks a nice place for it, too, don’t she? Any gas? Al : Gallon or two? Tom : Well, looks like we done it this time awright Rosasharn : Tommy. Some smoke up there. Tom : Looks like about a mile. Reckon she’ll make it? Al : She got to make it. Ma : What is it? Tom : Don’t know – but it’s better’n 248D92TJGOWd this. Dialogue 93 In the gate of the Government Camp. Tom agrees to sign up the contract offered by the caretaker Caretaker : No. No cops. Folks here elect their own cops. The ladies’ committee’ll call you, ma’am, about the kids and the sanitary unit and who takes care of ‘em. Come inside and sign up. Tom : Take ‘er down, Al. I’ll sign. Pa : We gonna stay, ain’t we? Tom : You’re tootin’ 249D93TJGOWf we’re gonna stay. Dialogue 94 Inside the sanitary unit. Winfield and Ruthie are playing in the toilet