clxxvi Tom : No longer’n 164D59TJGOWd we can get acrost 165D59TJGOWi her. Guard : Got any plants? Tom : No plants. Dialogue 60 In the street. The Joads stand on and look in a long silence at what can be seen of California. They are blank with dismay Rosasharn : Maybe it’s nice on the other side. Them pitchers – them little pos’cards 166D60RSGOWc – they was real pretty. Tom : Aw, sure. This here’s jus’ a part of it. Ain’t no sense a gettin’ scairt right off. Pa : Course not. Come on, let’s get goin’. She don’t look so tough to me Dialogue 61 Bank of the river. Pa, Noah and Al are talking about grandma’s condition Pa : How’s Granma since we got her in the tent? Al : She’s off her chump, seems to me. Noah : She’s outa her senses, awright. All night on the truck keep talkin’ like she was talkin’ to Grampa. Tom : She’s jus’ wore out, that’s all. Pa : I shore would like to stop here a while an’ give her some res’ 167D61PJGOWc but we on’y got ‘bout forty dollars left. I won’t feel right till we’re there an’ all workin’ 168D61PJGOWf an’ a little money comin’ in. Dialogue 62 In the bank of a river. Some men is sitting chest-deep in the shallow water, talking and occasionally ducking their heads under

76. Tom :

Never seen such tough mountains. This here’s a murder country, just the bones of a country. Wonder if we’ll ever get in a place where folks can live ‘thout 169D62TJGOWb fightin’ 170D62TJGOWf hard scrabble an’ rock. Sometimes you get to thinkin’ they ain’t no such country.

77. Man :

How’s the swimmin’ 171D62ONGOWf?

78. Tom :

Dun’no 172D62TJGOWh. We ain’t tried none. Sure feels good to set here, though.

79. Man :

Mind if we comin’ in an’ set?

80. Tom :

She ain’t our river. But we’ll len’ 173D62TJGOWc you a little piece of her. Dialogue 63 In the bank of a river. The men are talking in relax situation

81. Man :

But a leas’ 174D63ONGOWc we can starve to death with folks we know. 82. Pa : Ya know, you’re the second fella talked like that. I’d like to hear some more about that.

83. Tom :

Me an’ you both.

84. Son