Tom : Tom : Ma Tom : Pa Tom : Ma Tom :


146. Pa

: I never seen her so sassy. An’ she ain’t so young, neither

147. Al

: I’d some back… Dialogue 77 In front of the Joads tent. The Joads is talking about Al and Connie who leave the family Ma, Pa, Al : Al’s tryin’ to go away ….She jus’ got sassy…..All I aimed to do… Tom : Awright, you can fight it out later. Right now we got to hustle. Where’s Connie? Ma : Connie’s gone. Lit out this e’enin’ 211D77MJGOWf,i – said he didn’t know it was gonna be like this. Pa : Glad to get set of him. Never was no good ban’ never will be. Ma : Pa Shh Pa : How come I got to shh? Run out, didn’t he? Dialogue 78 In the Joads truck. The Joads is ready to leave the camp

148. Tom :

Just in case. Sit up back an’ if anybody tries to climb up – let ‘im have it.

149. Pa

: I ain’t got nothin’ in my han’. 150. Tom : Give ‘im a fryin’ 212D78TJGOWf pan. Dialogue 79 Inside The Joads’ truck. Ma, Pa and Tom worry about their family’s condition

151. Ma

: Sumpin’ go to happen soon. We got one day’s more grease, two days’s flour, an’ ten potatoes. After that….An’ Rosasharn, we got to remember she’s gonna be due soon.

152. Pa

: It sure is hell jus’ tryin’ to get enough to eat. 153. Tom : Fella tells me they’s three hunerd thousan’ aroun’ here like us, a- scrabblin’ 213D79TJGOWf for work an’ livin’ like hogs. Can’t figger what it is, but sumpin’s wrong. Dialogue 80 Inside the truck – on the road. Tom, Ma and Al are talking about their needs

154. Ma

: Fust thing I’ll get is coffee, cause ever’body been wantin’ 214D80MJGOWf that, an’ then some flour an’ bakin’ 215D80MJGOWf powder an’ meat. Better not get no-side meat right off. Save that for later. Maybe Sat’dy 216D80MJGOWe. Got to get some soap, too. An’ milk. Rosasharn’s got to have some milk.

155. Tom :

Get some sugar too, for the coffee. 156. Ma : You know, I jus’ can’t remember when I felt so good before 157. Al : Know what I’m a- gonna do? I’m a-gonna save up an’ go in town an’ get me a job in a garage. Live in a room an’ eat in restaurant. Go to the movin’ pitcher ever’ night. Cowboy pitchers. Dialogue 81 The Interior House. Tom, Ma and Pa are talking about the family earning clxxxii

158. Tom :

Got any more, Ma? 159. Ma : No. That’s all. You made a dollar, an’ that’s a dollar’s worth. 160. Pa : That 161. Ma : They charge extry at the comp’ny store but they ain;t no other place. 162. Tom : I ain’t full.

163. Ma

: Well, tomorra 217D81MJGOWh you’ll get in a full day – full day’s pay – an’ we’ll have plenty. 164. Pa : You wouldn’t think jus’ reachin’ 218D81PJGOWf up an’ pickin’ get you in the back. Dialogue 82 Inside the house. Tom wants to walk out and find out what happen outside the gate

165. Tom :

Think I’ll walk out an’ try to fin’ out what all that fuss outside the gate was. Anybody wanta come with me?

166. Pa

: No. I’m jus’ gonna set a while an’ then go to bad. 167. Al : Think I’ll look aroun’ an’ see if I can meet a girl.

168. Tom :

Thing’s been workin’ on me, what they was yellin’ 219D82TJGOWf about. Got me all curious. 169. John : I got to get a lot curiouser than I am – with all them cops out there. 170. Tom : Okay. I be back a little later.

171. Ma

: You be careful, Tommy. Don’t you be stickin’ 220D82MJGOWf your nose in anything. 172. Tom : Okay, Ma. Don’t you worry. Dialogue 83 In front of the tent. A man siiting on a box looks up supiciously as Tom enters

173. Tom :

Evenin’. 174. Joe :