
27. Casy :

Good bye, an’ good luck.

28. Pa

: Hey, wait Hold ‘er 115D45PJGOWb, Al Ain’t you goin’ with us?

29. Casy :

I’d like to. There’s somethin’ happenin’ 116D45JCGOWf out there in the wes’ 117D45JCGOWc an’ I’d like to learn what it is if you feel you got the room.

30. Pa

: Come on, get on, plenty room

31. Dialogue 46

In the highway. The Joads truck stops. Grandpa is whimpering feebly in Tom’s arms

32. Grandpa

: Ain’t a- goin’ …ain’t a-goin’. 33. Tom : ‘S 118D46TJGOWb all right, Grampa. You just kind a tar’d 119D46TJGOWi, that’s all.

34. Grandpa

: Thas it, jus’ 120D46GPGOWc tar’d thas all… jus’ tar’d… 35. Grandpa was rest in peace…. 36. Tom : This here is William James Joad, dyed of a stroke, old man. His folks bured him becaws 121D46TJGOWi they got no money to pay for funerls 122D46TJGOWa. Nobody kilt him. Jus’ a stroke an’ he dyed. Dialogue 47 In clump of woods at night. The Joad are standing around an open grave of Granndpa

37. Tom :

I figger best we leave something like this on, lest somebody dig him up and make out he been kilt. Lotta 123D47TJGOWd times looks like the gov’ment 124D47TJGOWe got more interest in a dead man than a live one.

38. Pa

: Not be so lonesome, either, knowin’ 125D47PJGOWf his name is here with ‘im, not jus’ an old fella lonesome underground.

39. Tom :

Casy, won’t you say a few words? 40. Casy : I ain’t no more a preacher, you know.

41. Tom :

We know. But ain’t none of our folks ever been buried without a few words. Dialogue 48 In the highway. A cop approaches the Joads’ truck and asks them some questions

42. Tom :

They shore don’t waste no time. Take her out. 43. Cop : Save your strength, lady. Get goin’, buddy. No campin’ 126D48ONGOWf here. 44. Tom : We ain’t campin’. We jus’ stoppin’ 127D48TJGOWf a minute

45. Cop

: Lissen, I heard that before… Dialogue 49 The Joads’ tent. Ma is trying to make Rosasharn calm down concerning her pregnancy Ma : They use’ 128D49MJGOWc to be a sayin’: A chile 129D49MJGOWc born outa sorrow’ll be a happy chile. clxxiii An’ another: Born outa too much joy’ll be a doleful boy. That’s the way I always heard it. Rosasharn : You don’t ever get scairt 130D49RSGOWi, do you, Ma? Ma : Sometimes. A little. Only it ain’t scairt so much. It’s just waitin’ 131D49MJGOWf an’ wonderin’ 132D49MJGOWf . But when somepin’ happens that I got to do somepin – I’ll do it. Rosasharn : Don’t it ever scare you it won’t be nice in California like we think? Ma : No. No, it don’t. I can’t do that. I can’t let m’self. All I can do is see how soon they gonna wanta eat again. They’d all get upset if I done anymore’n that. They all depen’ 133D49MJGOWc on me jus’ thinkin’ 134D49MJGOWf about that. That’s my part – that an’ keepin’ the fambly together. Dialogue 50 In the camp ground. A man murmurs approbation of Connie’s guitar playing and makes a chit-chat with Pa and Tom Pa : Thas my son-in-law. First man : Sings real nice. What state y’all from? Pa : Oklahoma. Had us a farm there, share-croppin’ 135D50PJGOWf . Tom : Till the tractor druv 136D50TJGOWh us out. First man : We from Arkansas. I had me a store, kind of general nations store, but when the farms went the store went too. Nice a little as you ever saw. I shore did hate to give it up. Dialogue 51 In the camp ground. Some men are making a light conversation Pa : Wal 137D51PJGOWi y’can’t tell. I figure when we git out there an’ git work an’ maybe git us a piece a growin’ lan’ near water it might not be so bad at that. Other man : Thas right… Payin’ 138D51ONGOWf good wages, I hear …Ever’body got work out here…Cant’ be no worse… Second man : You folks must have a pot a money. Pa : No, we ain’t got no money. But they’s plenty of us to work, an’ we’re all good men. Get good wages out there an’ put it all together an’ we’ll be awright. Dialogue 52 In the camp ground. Some men are making conversation and talking about the salary of picking oranges Second man : Good wages, eh Pickin’ 139D52ONGOWf oranger an’ peaches? Pa : We gonna take whatever they got. Tom : What so funny about it? clxxiv Second man : What’s so funny about it? I just been out there I been an’ seen it An’ I’m goin’ back to starve – because I ruther 140D52ONGOWi starve all over at once Dialogue 53 In the camp ground. Pa shows the handbill to the man