Deputy Agent Deputy Agent : Deputy Category F Domain: Public Place, Social Distance: Distant

cxxxvi the waitress’ question in casual manner. He did not care even though the two of them were not close friends. The employing of the non-standard language here was possible because the conversation happened in the relax situation. The relaxing situation affected the use of the non-standard language by the driver since the restaurant was a familiar place for him. Therefore, the situation of the conversation especially relax situation influenced the driver in using the non- standard language freely. 2. Setting of the place The setting of the place also determines the use of the non-standard language. The speaker tends to use the non-standard language in the informal places such as in the house, in the farm, in the market, in the street and other public places. These places are considered as informal places in which the conversation happens in casual manner. This affecting factor, for example, can be seen in the Dialogue 73. Dialogue 73 In the street. The agent asks for help to the deputy

16. Deputy

: What’s the trouble?

17. Agent

: Ever seen this guy before?

18. Deputy

: What’d he do?

19. Agent :

He’s agitatin’ 202D73ONGOWf

20. Deputy

: Seems like I have. Seems like I seen him hangin’ 203D73ONGOWf around that used car lot that was busted into. Yep, I’d swear it’s the same fella. Get in that car. Data analysis: cxxxvii The dialogue above happened in the street. The agent got some problems from a young man, Floyd. When the agent and Floyd quarrelled, the deputy came and asked to the agent if there was any trouble. The agent pointed to Floyd and told the deputy that Floyd made some troubles to him. The deputy and the agent were not close friends. They met accidentally in the street. The agent was on trouble and the deputy was on duty. It was the deputy’s duty to help everyone who was in trouble. Therefore, when the deputy found that there was a conflict in the street, he came and helped the agent. The agent and the deputy employed the non-standard language when they made a conversation although they just met. It was possible because the conversation happened in the street. The setting of the place here influenced the agent and the deputy using the non-standard language. The conversation happened in the informal place, so the participants chose to use the non-standard language to make casual conversation. The status of the deputy as government official did not influence the agent to use the formal language. Therefore, the setting of the place that was in the open area affected the participants in using the non-standard language.

6. Category F Domain: Public Place, Social Distance: Distant

In category F, the social domain is public place and the social distance is distant. Public place domain is an integration of certain place setting, certain role- relationship participants and certain topic. In this domain, the setting of the dialogue can be in the street, farm, school, market and so on. The participants can be friends, members of family, workers, government staffs, etc. The participants have a distant relationship. The topic of conversation can be daily matters, public cxxxviii problems and other problems. There are 26 dialogues which can be included in this category: Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4 Dialogue 5 Dialogue 6 Dialogue 7 Dialogue 8 Dialogue 48 Dialogue 50 Dialogue 51 Dialogue 52 Dialogue 53 Dialogue 54 Dialogue 56 Dialogue 57 Dialogue 58 Dialogue 59 Dialogue 62 Dialogue 63 Dialogue 64 Dialogue 66 Dialogue 68 Dialogue 71 Dialogue 72 Dialogue 83 Dialogue 88 From the dialogues above, the researcher found that there were 6 factors affecting the use of non-standard language in the conversation between the participants. Those affecting factors are as follows: 1. Social status of the participants 2. Situation of the conversation 3. Topic of the conversation 4. Setting of the place 5. Purpose of the speaking 1. Social status of the participants The lower class of community members use the non-standard language more frequently than the upper class. They do not care whether the listener is from the upper class member or from the lower class. They just want the listener understands what they speak. They don not pay attention that their speaking is appropriate or not. Therefore, the social status can be one of factors for someone cxxxix in using the non-standard language. In the public domain, it can be seen in the Dialogue 72. Dialogue 72 Outside the Joad Tent, in the road. Floyd and an agent are involved in serious argument

21. First man