Aikido Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

ISSN 2086-5953

2.2 Aikido

One of the uniqueness in aikido is that aikidoka is trained to always think in a positive way, even when they got attacked, like stated by Ueshiba 1938, in Olliges, 2008, 2008, page 16: ―When the enemy strikes, always remain positive, calm, settled, and full of power, centered in the great spirit of the universe, and attuned to the will of the gods.‖ One form which covers this philosophy is the ethics of defense, explained by the picture. Figure 2. The Ethics of Defense Wesbrook Ratti, 1970 The first panel panel A is a lowest level of the ethics of defense, which is people attack first before their got attacked, without any provocation and on his own initiative; and thus kills him. The following level panel B, individual has no intention to attack directly, but he has provoked the other man to attack him. It may have been an obvious provocation, such as an insulting remark or the more subtle provocation of a contemptuous attitude; and in the end the provoked man is killed. Even tough the man doesn‘t directly attack the other man; he is responsible for inciting the other man to attack. Westbrook Ratti 1970 stated that there is only a shade of difference ethically between panel A and panel B. The third level panel C shows the individual who does neither attack directly nor incite to attack, but when he is attacked he defends himself in a subjective manner. In this condition, he only cares for himself, and caused the other man killed, or at least got seriously injured. From the above explanation, there is only a shade difference between the 3 panels, and the result in all the three panels A, B, and C is identical; a man is killed. The fourth level panel D share the individual to have the ability to control himself and the opponent, and have no intention to counter the attack; he defends himself in such a way, and control the attacker not to be killed. This is the last level which is used as the basic principle in aikido Westbrook Ratti, 1970. Aikidoka individual who is participating in aikido is not trained to counter the attack, but to stop the attack without causing any damage on the attacker or at least seriously injured. This last level considered as the goal of aikido Westbrook Ratti, 1970. The application of this four ethics of defense will be performed when people got attacked without knowing that they are will be attacked. When people are attacked by someone else, the first reaction that would appear is the instinct within their selves. It depends on what that presence within their selves. According to Westbrook Ratti 1970, the basic instinct reaction within one self is to counter the aggression. Therefore, to emerge a smoother and non harsh full reaction, people have to take enough time in learning this no-revenge-reaction, which is trained in aikido. Therefore, hopefully, this reaction will be programmed and perceived as a not separated movingtechnique within their own mind Westbrook Ratti, 1970. As a result, every time they got attacked, they will no longer react to avenge the attack.

2.3 Design, Analysis, and