Indonesia Approach Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

3 ISSN 2086-5953 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF INDONESIA AND TAIWAN COMMUNITY FOREST Desi Trianingsih; Ajeng Anggraeni Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, National Chiayi University Email:; ABSTRACT The community forest based for forest management has been viewed as the most effective for forest conservation. In the most recent years many countries has develop the forest management through community forest, nor Taiwan and Indonesia. Even the preparation of community in Taiwan was younger than Indonesia, the result for forest conservation effectiveness of Taiwan have to learned more to Indonesia. Therefore, there are several different procedure of manage the community, which is impact to the community capability and result from the community establishment background. Keywords: community forest, procedure, Indonesia, Taiwan. 1 INTRODUCTION Indonesia is a country of many diversities, in 1980 have been declared as mega-diversity country together with Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Zaire and Tanzania, within land that consist of 13,000 islands at archipelago, and have population of 215 million people Moeliono et al 2010. As known before that Indonesia not only home for many varies of plant and animals diversity but also etnic-social- culture tribe, that still reference to traditional norms and untouched with political roles in the countries. Their humble livelihood, bring many activities that support for forest conservation than exploitation. Exemplifies of Indonesia tribes were Dayak Kalimantan, Asmat Papua, Togutil Halmahera Island-Maluku, etc. Those information of biodiversity given many perspectives, through conservation and also exploitation due to many needed that can be get and solved by this common- pool resources. Since there are many demolition of forest through human intervention, today many countries are focused on forest conservation. The forest conservation is generally developed by government, then the application based on local knowledge are commonly used for effectiveness of forest conservation or rehabilitation. Indonesia that has been develop forest conservation based on community forest social forest since 1980 Hindra 2007, while Taiwan was develop it at 2002 Wang 2006, but the progress of community forest in both countries has many different result. Then the application of this study hopefully can learn more about the comparation and differentiation of both kind of forest management in community forest, which will be impact to the effectiveness of forest conservation, economy enhancement, and also social linking based on the forest community. 2 METHODOLOGY This comparative study of community forest Indonesia and Taiwan was focused on the procedure, process and result of the community forest development. Those information basically based on literature study and fieldtrip survey. 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION

3.1 Indonesia Approach

Indonesia community forest are regulated by many policy which is regulated by Ministry of Forestry MoF MoF Decree No. 622Kpts ‐ll1995, MoF Decree No. 677Kpts ‐ll1997 improving MoF Decree No. 622, MoF Decree No. 31Kpts ‐ll2001 improving MoF Decree No. 677. Based on Argo Mulyo Local Community Forest, the decision of community were based on notarized letter No. 102003 on 14 May 2003 Hindra 2007. The community forest that have been doing in Indonesia can be provided by community itself self- governance or partnership with concessionaire. Since the objectives of the development of community are to improve the social, ecological, and economic value, the implementation of community forest resulting a vary condition. The preparation of community forest in Indonesia were based on the verification by Regent or Guvernor at the local district. The verification will decide the acceptance of the community based on organization of the community, livelihood, and ISSN 2086-5953 resources at the area. If the community were accepted as the formal community that can manage their forest themselves, they can utilize the district, environment, and non-timber harvested. They also can harvest the timber and non-timber production of the resources Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan 2009. Konawe Selatan district is one of the districts in South East Sulawesi Province The forest production area in Konawe Selatan covers 1,264,798 hectares, part of which is a degraded area of 283,725 hectares. In the 1980‘s the area was classified as production forest and was reforested with a teak wood plantation covering an area of approximately 38,000 hectares. At the start of the project the main goal was forest rehabilitation and community participation was not initially encouraged, except to serve as paid labor. Under Ministry of Forestry regulation No. 1Menhut- II2004, however, the area of about 15,112 hectares covered by a teak plantation was assigned to be managed by the community. The total number of community members involved in the work of this teak plantation is 1,360 families located in two sub- districts, scattered amongst 46 villages. The community manage the forest by followed principles of community foresty: sustainable and benefit, self sufficient, cooperation and partnership, transparency and integration, continous and gradual, local specific. This area also consider by stakeholders; government, NGO and community itself. The main strategy of the management consist of area management to ensure the exixtence of a definable area by identification, inventory, boundary marking and mapping, business management continuity of profitable by local business, and institutional management independence of social institution as main actor of it. Wirakarya Sakti WKS is a timber plantation holder with a concession area of about 251,218 hectares in Jambi Province. The timber produced from the area supplies the company‘s paper and pulp industry. The capacity of the factory is 430,000 tons per year and it is estimated to need about 1,935,000 cubic meters of Acacia logs per year to operate the factory at full capacity. The total timber plantation area is about 78,676 hectares. Part of the concession area could not be planted, though, because of a dispute over community ownership, leaving about 33 of the total concession to be managed under partnership schemes. The partnership scheme with WKS is based on land status. The patterns established are a Partnership in Private Forest HRPK developed under private land and a Partnership in Plantation Forest HTPK established in Community land lahan adat. The distribution of roles in providing production input among WKS and the community has two schemes. In the first, WKS maintains full control and all seedlings, fertilizers, infrastructure, technology and capital for the project is provided by the company. The community is involved by providing the input of land and labor. In this scheme, the business risk is born together by the company and the community. The net product is equally shared between the company and the community - 50:50. In this scheme, the company has control of the product. The second scheme gives full control to the community and seedlings, labor, and technology are provided by the community. The company provides a limited amount of technical guidance. In some cases, the company provides seedlings and credits. In this second scheme, all risk will be borne by the community. However, in this second scheme the community is free to sell its products to any company they choose, whereas in the first scheme the timber products must be sold to the cooperating company. There are also the process of community based on forest in Agro Mulyo was focused on timber production of teak plantation Tectona Grandis , and the benefit of money were share for the community itself 80, the village 10, and Forest District 10. Therefore the management of community forest with the consessionare were basically based on timber and resources that has commercial effect economically, then it will result for the social affluence of the community. Today Indonesia facing the new regime of policy, after the fall down of Soeharto regime in 1998, Indonesia also made a new mechanism of policy from centralize into decentralize UU No.221999. government was not too ready to applied the policy, while some regional government have been done many things outmatch the policy that have not done at state level. Due to the lack and exceed of policy and implementation, then it also impact to the forest management that used to get profit profusely. Since those decentralization regimes, many regional government and also village elite doing forest exploitation to get high value income of forest economy by logging or palm-oil plantation. Therefore the forest management based on local perspective is dominantly located on the degraded area, then local people have to rebuild and re-develop the forest than get the benefit directly from it Jong 2002. Today there are alao a new paradigm of forest management with the new issues related to REDD that help to conserve the forest also save the carbon, which is involved by Lubuk Beringin Akiefnawati et al 2010. ISSN 2086-5953

3.2 Taiwan Approach