Forgiveness Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

ISSN 2086-5953 within oneself due to the aggression which is intended to particular people. Study pointed out that forgiving person showed more emphaty toward each other Tangney et al., 1999, in McCullough Witvliet, 2005. Forgiveness has a positive correlation with physical health as well Miller, Smith, Turner, Guijarro, Hallet, 1996; Williams Williams, 1993, in McCullough Witvliet, 2005. Moreover, forgiveness is an intoxification of the hostility conducted by others Kaplan, 1992, in McCullough Witvliet, 2005. Hostility itself has a negative correlation with physical health Miller, Smith, Turner, Guijarro, Hallet, 1996; Williams Williams, 1993, dalam McCullough Witvliet, 2005. It can be stated that forgiveness and aggression are negatively correlated It is important to develop forgiveness within oneself, considering the virtue and benefit in it as explained before. The development is important conducted at the adolescense stage, where the transition from childhood to adult occured Sarwono, 1989. At this stage, the individual is developing self adjustment with their surroundings, and is trying to develop appropriate values which are acceptable in their society. This stage ranges from 18 to 24 years old Sarwono, 1989. Averagely, mostly college students in Indonesia lie between that range. Thus, this study is important to be conducted among college students who are entering their adolesence stage. When the individual is showing forgiveness, tendency of their basis motivation and behavior in facing transgressor becomes more positive, and less negative resentment, avoiding. Aikido teachs the individual to behave positively by stopping and forgiving, instead of behave negatively toward their opponent. 2 MODEL, ANALYSIS, DESIGN, AND IMPLEMENTATION Figure 1. Model of Enhancing Forgiveness Through Aikido Practicing

2.1 Forgiveness

Forgiveness reflects increased in prosocial motivation toward another such that there is less desire to avoid the transgressing person and to harm or to seek revenge toward that person, and 2 increased desire to act positively toward the transgressing person McCullough, 2000; McCullough et al., 1998, in Snyder Lopez, 2007. The definition stated before is also used as dimension of forgiveness, those are avoidance motivations, revenge motivations, and benevolence motivations. Some experts define forgiveness as an absence of negative responses toward the transgressor. For example is a Transgression- Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory McCullough et al., 1998, dalam Rye et al., 2001, which is concepted only to measure the absence of revenge and respond to avoid. Yet, some other experts suggested that the presence of positive responds toward transgressor must be included. The transgression can cause some impacts, both physically and psychologically McCullough, Root, Cohen, 2006. It drives people to avoid the transgressor as well as to strive for revenge toward himher. People who experience such a way tend to become depressed Brown, 2003, in McCullough, Root, Cohen, 2006, phobia and experience panic disorder Kendler, Liu, et al., 2003, in McCullough, Root, Cohen, 2006, as well as interfering the simphatic neuro and cardiovasculer systems Witvliet, Ludwig, Vander Laan, 2001, in McCullough, Root, Cohen, 2006. Therefore, forgiveness must be developed in order to have a proper respond in facing the transgression within individual and to enhance physical and psychologically well being. Subkoviak et al. 1995, in Rye et al., 2001 stated that when forgiving, people tend to overcome their hate toward the transgressor, yet doesn‘t deny their right to experience it. People who forgive tend to express their kindness, compassion, and even give love toward the transgressor. The same concept also stated by the Rye and colleagues 2001 who define forgiveness as a respond toward the transgressor which include some aspect like the release of negative affection e.g. hostility, cognition e.g. thought to take a revenge, and behavior e.g. verbal aggression, as well as having a positive responses toward the transgressor e.g. compassion. Some factors that affect forgiveness are emphaty, wound caused by, asking for apology, and the relationship with the transgressor McCullough et. Al., 1998. ISSN 2086-5953

2.2 Aikido