The Role of Social Capital

ISSN 2086-5953 Values And Norms Values And Norms embodiment of values in everyday life Togetherness  Mutual cooperation repair damaged roads  Helps repair damaged a neighbors house  Establishing community associations Trust  There is no crime news  Honesty is upheld in society Mutual exchange of information  Social networks how to grow a good crop Mutual  exchange of information about the condition of village development Mutual Relations  neighborly relationship  Mutual help if anyone have a celebration Diagram 2. Table of Social Value

3.2 The Role of Social Capital

The forms of social capital can actually be translated into a variety of perspectives. In the perspective of social sciences, social capital leads to a description of the development of strong communities and strong. Social capital in sociology is more familiarly known as social capital. Therefore, the identification of social capital that is used leads to 3 forms i.e., skills which represent forms of social capital in sociology is called intellectual capital and human capital, while institutional representing social values embodied in the society represent the cultural capital stage need more discussion with customer in order to make suitable implementation. It has become the law of nature that human beings will certainly try to do anything to satisfy their needs. To that end, a productive climate in increasing revenue is needed in the community. Social capital is formed in society to be one alternative to the creation of wealth in society. Through interaction between 3 forms of social capital in society made possible for the development of economic capital. Particularly, 3 forms of social capital that has the relationship between the shapes of one another. Skills that are included in human capital are the main subject because without skills, a person can not do anything. Someone who has the skills certainly will be able to do a good job. Is in the public, especially people Petungkriyono, skills habits formed due to a person who is always done. 4 DISCUSSION Petungkriyono is formed a homogenous society that causes a common means of livelihood which have similarities too in terms of skill. For that, on the basis of equality and a sense of belonging as ―tepo seliro‖ attitude held by these rural communities to encourage them to establish an association as a social form of share. This is apparent when a group of tapper workers gather in Mudal to deposit the results of their labor; they will share stories about their work even on the salaries received. Social share what they do is based on income equality. With the social share of it, the workers will be compelled to compete to collect pine sap as much as possible. Picture 4. Social Activities The impact is the growth of economic capital among the workers. In addition, the social share is also formed in the group of mothers in social gathering. But there is a little difference, in social gathering not only socially but also share capital. Social share based on the principle of kinship and mutual aid that allows the emergence of economic capital with indicators of share capital which will encourage the growth of economic capital. Both forms of social capital will not run on a solid without the values and norms that exist in society. Because the driving force of the above two forms of social capital is a feeling of togetherness, trust, social networks and relationships ISSN 2086-5953 pertetanggaan good in society. So, with the collaboration of synergy between the skills, institutions and values and norms that exist in society will create opportunities for the development of economic capital. At least economic growth will increase because of climate productive in trying to have created. Petungkriyono Society is a unique community. Amid limited access to other areas, they still survive. Homogeneous-paced life because of the similarity for livelihood activities and social relationship that lead to wake up close. Social relations based on equality and a sense of belonging that indicate the presence of social capital. Social capital is unclear, described as the embodiment of good interaction between the various components of society ranging from human resources, developing ideas, and values and norms that exist in society. Therefore, if social capital can develop properly then independence will be created. Society with good social capital is usually the people who have a strong attachment between its members and have a common vision. The forms of social capital can actually be translated into a variety of perspectives. In the perspective of social sciences, social capital leads to a description ofof the development of strong communities and strong. Social capital in sociology is more familiarly known as social capital. Therefore, the identification of social capital that is used leads to 3 forms ie, skills which represent forms of social capital in sociology is called intellectual capital and human capital, while institutional representing social values embodied in the society represent the cultural capital. Petungkriyono is covered by jungle. Because of that, petungkriyono can be regarded as an isolated area. Risk road conditions make this area more distant from the city. But for people Petungkriyono, this is not an obstacle to become a developed society and independent. When viewed from the level of education, public interest Petungkriyono low indeed. Judging from the level of technology was also quite low. But they are very interest with some of the progress that they see from television or immigrants who had come to Petungkriyono. Limited access is not a barrier for them to go forward because in fact they already have the capital to go forward and develop independently. The existence of social capital that has been strongly intertwined in society becomes one of the main capitals. Gradually they can grow and seek independent. The existence of the spirit to seek is driven by the social club and the spirit of togetherness makes them optimistic for the advanced and can meet with independent living. 5 CONCLUSION Social capital that exists in the community can be identified as a form of social relations in society. Forms of social capital that exist in Petungkriyono Community can be identified in 3 forms of skills, institutions and values and social norms. Skills become the main capital because human without skill can not work properly. Later used as the trigger values and norms while at the same time serve as a means of institutional development facilitator of economic capital. Combination of 3 type social capital can enable the emergence of opportunities for economic capital. The emergence of economic capital in society is expected to spur economic growth in the community so as to create independence in the community. That way, entrepreneurial attitude will developing society. REFERENCES [1] Anonim. ‘Reproduksi dan Sirkulasi dari Seluruh Kapital Sosial‘. 2010. http:www.marxists.orgindonesiaarchivema rx-engels1885kapital2-bag3.pdf. accesed 28 February 2010, 19:59:44] [2] Harris, Marvin 1997 Culture, People, and Nature: An Introduction to General Anthropology . United State: Addison-Wesley Educational Publiseher Inc. [3] Koli Bau, Yanuarius 2009 Kapital Sosial dan Kewirausahaan Masyarakat Pesisir Banyuwangi Jawa Timur . Proceeding on open seminary intercultural research, scholarship of intercultural studies. Center of Asian-Pasific studies. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada, 20 and 21 March 2009. [4] Nawawi, Hadari 1991 Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 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ISSN 2086-5953 [This page is intentionally left blank] 41 ISSN 2086-5953 Sec 2 Economy, Management, and Business ISSN 2086-5953 [This page is intentionally left blank] 43 ISSN 2086-5953 EFFECT OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP ON KNOWLEDGE CHARACTERISTICS Setyabudi Indartono 1 1 Dept. of Management, Social and Economic Faculty, Yogyakarta State University Karangmalang Yogyakarta Indonesia Email: ABSTRACT This study investigates effect of servant leadership and Work Design. As an antecedent, servant leadership is predicted has an effect on knowledge characteristics of work design. Furthermore, the different culture was investigated. This Study collected data from 537 employees in Indonesia and Taiwan. The Structural Equation modeling was used to investigate the model of fit and the different culture responses. The multiple regressions were also used to test the effect of each servant leadership dimension on knowledge characteristics. This study found that empowerment effect to all dimensions of knowledge characteristics, significantly. Whereas, leader service effect to the skill variety of work design. Implication of the findings for organizations and suggestions for future research are discussed. Keywords: Work design, knowledge characteristics, servant leadership 1 INTRODUCTION A fresh view of leadership is emerging that no longer focuses on an elite handful of super- humans. Rather, it speaks to a larger group of individuals who possess the ability to lead people to guide themselves to what they were always capable of doing. Scholars classified as leaders may be said to possess high energy levels, commitment to some cause or purpose, responsibility, and credibility. As expressed by many scholars on leadership, the servant leader actively cares for the welfare of others with courage, compassion, humility, and flexibility. Many companies that have adopted total quality management or that utilize self-managed work-teams are already using servant leadership. Servant leadership that addressed to the leaders personal moral objects Turner, 1997 was known able to involve interaction between the leaders and their subordinates more intensively. Servant leadership was also has greater impact by affecting the values, attitudes and behaviors of subordinates Meglino et al., 1991. Based on the previous study Li, 2006, servant leadership have some characteristics such as listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of others, and building community. These characteristics were able to serve their followers best and encourage others not only to engage in independent moral reasoning such as perform the job well, but also to follow it up with constructive participation in organizational governance Graham, 1995. Previous study found that servant leadership related to behavioral and attitudinal outcomes Li, 2006 such as Job satisfaction Ikel, 2005 and motivation Graham, 1995. The study found that the services of leader were also able to both supported and withdraw employee desires and close to performance effort. Nowadays, work was designed to increase the spawn use of assembly-line systems that maximized employee efficiency and minimized the employee skills needed. It is needed to increase the work performance indeed. Morgeson Humphrey 2006 proposed the concept of work design to increase the performance work achievement. One of the critical work designs was known as knowledge characteristic. It is related to maximize employee work performance Morgeson et al, 2003; Humphrey et al, 2007. Hence, servant leadership collaborated to the work design may strengthen the antecedent of performance. Accordingly, the investigation on the relationship between servant leadership and work design was plausible. The dimension of servant leadership included, empowerment, service and vision was able to strengthen design of work especially on the knowledge characteristics. Leader vision directs the work process on its objectives consistently. The service intention of leader to their subordinate was become social interaction between leader and employee. Whereas, empowering from leader, strengthen the capability of subordinate on work processes. This research suggested that servant leadership have direct effects on the subordinate knowledge characteristics on the job, significantly. ISSN 2086-5953 2 CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESES

2.1 Servant Leadership