Implementation of Organic Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

ISSN 2086-5953 agriculture. In this case we want to offer about organic farming as technology in sustainable agriculture. Organic farming is farming production system which avoids or limits the use of chemical fertilizer; pesticide, herbicide, and controller grow substance. The main purpose of organic farming is to supply agricultural product, mainly food material which is safe for producer and consumer, and not damage the environment. Organic farming will give many advantages reviewed from side of increasing soil fertility and increase crop production and livestock, and from environment side in survive environment balance, beside that from the economic side, it will keep more foreign exchange for imports of fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, and provides many employment opportunities and increase farmers income. In principle, organic farming in line with development agriculture with low technology inputs and it is the efforts towards sustainable agriculture development. Harwood 1990 in Rachman 2002 explained that there are three important agreements in sustainable agriculture building: increased of farm product with natural resource efficiency, biological controlled in agriculture system not being depends on non-agriculture system, and increased close process of soil nutrients recycle. People who care in health way life have a mindset that a guarantee of agricultural product is the product that has food safety attributes, nutritional attributes, and eco-labeled attributes. That consumer preference caused the world demand of organic farming product increase BPTP Sumbar 2010. In practice, geographic profile all over the world has a big deal in organic farming. Geographical conditions of each country are different. It causes the product of organic farming different in each country. That depends on the supply of sun, nutrients, water, and soil. Indonesia has a big chance to compete in international trade although in step by step. This all due to any plus point in agriculture such as a large open access to expand organic farming, the availability of supported technology in organic farming such as compost making, plant without soil treat, natural pesticide, etc. Indonesia is located at 6 degrees north latitude and 11 degrees south latitude and 95 degrees west longitude and 141 degrees East Longitude. The location of latitude and longitude shows that Indonesia has a tropical climate. This climate supports enough for the existence of agriculture in this region. The present of nutrients, water, sun, and soil can increase agricultural potent in it. Conditions such as these it is possible for Indonesia to implement organic farming systems. Figure2. Mind Map of Analysis Sustainable Agriculture System Organic farming has a good prospect in economy. In Indonesia, organic product such as vegetables is most popular in consumer from middle to wealthy. Most of them choose to pay more expensive due to the quality and safety of the product. If a part of an-organic area is converted to organic, conventional market competition can be avoided because of the difference consumer target. Organic products are usually exported to Malaysia or Singapore or modern market. Healthy and nutritious food can be produced by organic farming method. This method has low risk in environment and consumer health. The main target of organic farming is the safe foods with free or limited pesticide, herbicide, synthetic fertilizer, heavy metal, and many others.

2.3 Implementation of Organic

Farming Product Organic farming produces some variance commodity. Some categories of the organic product are paddies, organic vegetables broccoli, red cabbage, chayote, spinach, fruits jackfruit, durian, mango, orange, mangos teen. Plantations coconut, nutmeg nuts cashew, clove, pepper, vanilla and coffee; Spice and medicine ginger, turmeric, Curcuma and meet with other findings, livestock milk, eggs and meat litbang Deptan,2002. LEISA Organic farming Low risk agriculture Geographical analysis Economical analysis SustainableAgriculture System Agriculture problem Food security ISSN 2086-5953 Source: http:www.bps.go.idtab_subview. The chart above shows that average of vegetable production in Indonesia is increase relatively every year. That data is combination between organic product and an-organic product. Based on the fact, it can be predicted that Indonesia is able to be producers of organic farming product. By change the agricultural system from modern agriculture to organic farming, support from government and good cooperation with farmer, be sure that Indonesia can realize it. 3 RESULT Indonesia region is potential to apply organic farming. The opportunity of Indonesia as world organic food producer is big enough. Beside has 20 of tropical agriculture, very diverse germ plasma, availability of organic materials also quite a lot. But according to IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement Indonesia still use 40.000 ha 0.09 of agricultural land for organic farming, so It is still required various programs together synergistically to provide Indonesia as one of the nations leading producers of food organic. Tropical climate of Indonesia is natural resource capital outstanding where various vegetable, fruits, food crops, and many flowers can be cultivated all year round. The survey of Indonesia Central Statistical Agency 2000 shows that Indonesia vegetable production, such as onions, cabbage, mustard greens, carrots, and potatoes respectively 772.818, 1.336.410, 484.615, 326.693 and 977.349 tons in total area 291.192 ha BPTP Sumbar 2010. In addition, a survey conducted by the Directorate of Vegetable, Ornamental and Miscellaneous Plants show that the needs of a variety of vegetables in 8 supermarkets in Jakarta, about 766 tons per month, of which about 5 is imported vegetables. Indonesia has been circulating organic agricultural products from local production such as organic rice, organic coffee, organic tea, and some others. Likewise, there are products such as pesticide-free vegetables produced by the Cangar Experimental Station, Agricultural Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang. Even thus, organic product which in Indonesia market is limited both number and variety. Actually organic farming system has been applied log time ago in several countries, such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and USA Koshino, 1994. Organic farming development in that nation make progress because of the fact that agricultural products, especially fruits and vegetables grown with organic farming systems have taste, color, ISSN 2086-5953 aroma, and texture which is better than an-organic farming system. Indonesia has already processed a standard that straighten up about organic foodstuff, it is Standard Nasional Indonesia SNI 01-6729-2002 about Organic Foodstuff Systems. The trend lately seems to people who care about health, so the development of organic farming products has very good prospect. Market opportunity is opened largely because market demand still has not fulfilled yet, on the other hand, the trend of market demand increase equivalent with the growth of population. Producer who has good skill and experience can make minimum production cost because the use of local input is very high. Beside that, selling price in the international market is higher. In local market selling price of organic product is higher too, if it has good appearance and promotion. In application of organic farming there are some challenge and chance that is often happened. The challenges of organic farming are the low quality of Indonesia farmer cause comprehension to the importance of organic product is low, Indonesia farmers think practice and instantly they prefer to use pesticide, socialization and promotion of organic farming superiority to traditional farmer is less, minimum training and illumination about the practice of application organic farming to the farmer, the need of continue controlling, the number of organic farming specialist just a little. The chances of organic farming are international and local market object selling price of organic product is higher increase because people began aware about the importance of healthy food, growing prosperity of traditional farmers, increasing foreign exchange, agricultural land in Indonesia still large, geographic condition and tropical climate support organic farming activity, supporting factors of organic farming can be gotten in Indonesia easily example: compos, etc. 4 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Organic farming is one of sustainable agriculture technology which is suitable to be applied in Indonesia due to the number of chances. It is high potent to improve the farmer‘s income and foreign exchange. But there are many challenges have to be solved. Respond to this case, to answer the challenges of organic farming, it is better to held sustainable training for Indonesian farmers. In addition, the illumination is also very important to make them understand about the organic farming and healthy food. By this way we hope that the healthy rate of Indonesia will be increase. REFERENCES [1] BPTP Sumbar 2010 Teknologi pendukung pertanian organik [online]. Available at: p [Accessed: 26 December 2010] [2] Badan Litbang Pertanian 2002 Prospek pertanian organic di Indonesia [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29 Januari 2011] [3] KRKP 2010 The 1st apec ministerial meeting on food security, niigatajepang, 16-17 oktober 2010[online]. Available at: http:www.krkp.orgkebijakan- pangan. [Accessed: 26 December 2010] [4] Desai B.K, Pujari B.T 2007 Sustainable agriculture, a vision for future. India; New India Publishing Agency [5] Koshino Masayoshi 1994 Recent development in leaf diagnosis and soil testing as a guide to crop fertilization. ASPAC FFTC [6] Parnata, Ayub 2010 Meningkatkan hasil panen dengan pupuk organic, Jakarta; AgroMedia Pustaka [7] Sutanto, Rachman 2002 Pertanian organic menuju pertanian alternative dan berkelanjutan, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius Anggota IKAPI. ISSN 2086-5953 [This page is intentionally left blank] 175 ISSN 2086-5953 PROTECTOR TREES: AGRICULTURE SHIELD FROM AIR POLLUTION Nadita Zairina Suchesdian 1 1 Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University, Jl. Raya Darmaga, Bogor, West Java 16680, Indonesia Email: ABSTRACT Our concern about air pollution is essentially a reflection of the accumulating evidence that air pollutants adversely affect the health and the welfare of human beings. Extensive effects research has established that air pollutants affect the health of humans, animals, damage vegetation and material, reduce visibility and solar radiation, and affect weather and climate. A large number of food, forage, and ornamental crops as well as trees have been identified to be damaged by air pollutants. The effects are in the form of leaf damage, stunting growth, decreased size and yield of fruits, and wilting and destruction of flowers. Keywords: Air Pollution, Vegetation, Trees.