Problem Description Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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1.2 Problem Description

The four MDM are proposed to determine the reliability of ship oil system with RGEC method, they are: a. Pertamina [7] has stated, if there is a non conformities maintenance scheduling that influences the reliability impact by hazard and without reviewing significant or not failures, so the reliability is equal with value before hazard. b. Pertamina [7] used harmonisation terminology or maintenance scheduling combination. Bieman [1] has stated that if failure repaired onto many system which have almost the same maintenance schedul with other system, that can join their repairing. c. Rasmussen [8] had stated with Effective Maintenance Strategies model. He stated that the component replacement with high effectivity one could implied a cost saving. This strategies call Effective Maintenance Program. d. Innovation is divided into therminology and procedure. This therminology is enclosed at Technology Atlas Project Form of Tokyo Programme on Technology for Development, Kibrio [5]. Innovation is consist of human ware, techno ware, organ ware, and info ware. System Reliability is evaluated with compliance of the five actions, they are: 1. Harmonisation to the duration of the component maintenance and the subsystem are different. Harmonisation is implemented to the some of them and then system reliability is calculated based on configuration. 2. If the 3-MDM happened, they are : hazard handling, innovation, and using non standard effectivity component; it is necessary to evaluate the system reliability after re- harmonisation. 3. Component and subsystem reliability is determined with the judgement of how the effectiveness of the replacer component in system and how long percentage of component and subsystem duration to duration of the system. 4. Reliability reduction of the certain component or subsystem is not valid when there is delay time or repairing so that causes system stops running. 5. If there is not significant component or subsystem and based on the design it is reliable until the end of life time of the system, so its reliability is perfectly and never goes down. This paper presents the result of a study case was using ship oil system RGEC based on TTF data and MDM proposes was used to estimate the reliability of ship oil system and to understand the phenomenon in speed down reliability reduction of maintenance system. Reliability determination is the part of other reliability determination review based on non technical case. Temporary using, paralel circuit as stand by, impulsive system, real caused by routine maintenance, are examples of non technic reliability problem. Focussing on evaluation with compliance on five actions of MDM are observed. 2 METHOD AND VALIDATION

2.1 Methods Of RGEC