Time and Place Research Materials Culture Techniques

135 ISSN 2086-5953 CHLORELLA SP. CULTURE AS A SOURCE OF PROTEIN FOR FISH LARVAE Dina Silvia Dewi 1 , Denny Wahyudi 1 1 Aquatic Resources Management, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University 16680 Email: dinasilviadewiyahoo.co.id 1 , masakan_ibuku_yahudyahoo.com 2 ABSTRACT Human population growth is increasing every year. It needs a healthy source of food for nutrition one with fish and other aquatic organisms. One source of water that has high protein is Chlorella sp. It can be used as a natural source of food for larval fish and do not produces toxins. The reason for the importance of culture Chlorella sp. is a high protein content of microalgae, especially chlorella. Chlorella has a fairly high growth rate. From the observations, the density culture of Chlorella sp. during culture has fluctuated up and down in nearly all replications. The level of penetration of chlorella sp. high happened on day 8 must be in plankton growth through several phases, adaptation, logarithmic phase, stationary phase and phase of death. Harvesting can be done when the plankton reached logarithmic phase. Keywords: Culture, Chlorella sp., growth phases 1 INTRODUCTION In the last two centuries, the worlds population growth rate is 6 per annum to reach 2.5 billion in 1950. Five decades of the worlds population growth rate is twice as much as 18 to 6 thousand million in the 21st century. In September 2008, the worlds population has been 6720 million people. The worlds population with experience in the number of 1.2 per cent 14 It requires a healthy food and feeding high protein and other necessities of life are quite good quality. one food product that requires a few fish and other aquatic organisms, which were very useful for the organism. a great opportunity for the fishing industry to meet food needs is through the development of aquaculture. One of the biological capacity of water, which still developed a culture of microalgae Chlorella sp. Chlorella sp has many benefits for human beings as raw material for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, beverages as a source of protein for humans, as a food source for fish larvae and purification of wastewater. Election chlorella sp. As an object of study is based on the consideration that chlorella sp. Relatively easy in a culture in a short time. This potential in Indonesia is not working optimally. because of the fishery resources remain identical to the water in the form of fish, shrimp, shellfish and seaweed biota. Aquaculture the latter is limited to commodities. with the effort to develop the culture of Chlorella to address the challenges in the development of aquaculture, taking into account that these agencies have a very high value to humans. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS

2.1 Time and Place Research

Preparation of phytoplankton in laboratory cultures Biomikro I Aquatic Resources Management Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. to 18:00 pm. Observations of plankton abundance and growth is conducted every day for 13 days.

2.2 Materials

The tools used in the manufacture of culture and observation of the growth of plankton are pipette drops, glass erlenmeyer, Bunsen, culture bottles, cotton, tissue, paper labels, measuring cups, neon lights, petri dish, aerator, microscope, hemasitometer, glass cover. Materials used in the culture of plankton is profasoli solution, distilled water as much 10 ml, inoculants Chlorella sp. 290 ml, 70 alcohol and aquades.

2.3 Culture Techniques

Chlorella sp. is one of the species of microalgae, which were grown in aquaculture and micro-algae that grows easily in organic synthetic 9 environment, but its success largely depends on how far the manipulate environmental conditions in new conditions 1 . Culture in which an aeration container that is used to suspend and to maintain consistency 4 . ISSN 2086-5953 Organic element estimated need for green algae are N, P, K, mg, Cu, MN, Zn 6 . Chlorella growth pyrenodoidosa different concentrations of macronutrients NO 3 - , P, S, K, mg and CL and micronutrients Fe, Cu, Zn, MN, B and Mo Eyster et al. 1958. In the implementation of phytoplankton cultures all equipment must be in aseptic conditions sterile conditions. Been used for the implementation of the culture must also be in a sterile environment by cleaning or sprayed with 70 alcohol. Furthermore, the equipment will be used to make culture. Bottles for use as places of culture first sterilised by aerial spraying 70 ethanol to bottle. The bottle must be closed to prevent contamination with foreign materials that would impede the growth of plankton. Profasoli plankton serve as breeding grounds. Profasoli poured into the bottle and mixed until profasoli achieving 290 ml. After the solution was poured into culture bottles and immediately closed again. After that inoculant Chlorella sp. were mixed in using a measuring cup as much as 10 ml. Having poured and mixed into the culture bottles. After finishing the bottle was placed in the room to get enough light and aerator plug to the process of photosynthesis can take place and the growth of plankton will be stable. In this case the fluorescent lamp used as a substitute for sunlight. Observations of plankton ‘s growth is done every day for 13 days. In the implementation of phytoplankton cultures should be done in sterile conditions, equipment cleaned with water and alcohol 70, and the labor must be brought close to the Bunsen for not contaminated with foreign bodies. Cultures are grown at room temperature ranges between 28-31C 5 , pH ranging from 7.3 to 7.8 13 the solubility of oxygen between 1.33 to 3.49 ppm and violence between 33.03 to 75.08 ppm. Conditions included in the category of medium fertility, so good for the growth of organisms.

2.4 Observation Techniques