Identification of Capital Social

ISSN 2086-5953 addition, research libraries are also performed to search the literature in order to obtain secondary data and review of the theory of the strong. Research carried out for 2 weeks, on 15 to 30 January 2010. This reasearch located in the district Petungkriyono, Pekalongan, Central Java. However, the village that became the focus of research is Telogopakis village, Yosorejo village, and village Simego. This is done with the consideration that the 3 villages are very representative of the conditions of nature and society Petungkriyono District. This reseach carried out in that village because of many factors. They are: 1. that village has limited accessed to other village. 2. that village has social norm and trusted with other. 3 RESULT

3.1 Identification of Capital Social

Rural communities have a system of values and views that are different from urban communities. They have norms devices as guidelines in carrying out any activity in the social life of society. Something that is characteristic of the rural community is the attitude and consistent adherence to the existing norms of society so that social life becomes very attached but still in harmony because people consider it as part of his life. This is a form of social capital that exists in rural communities. Social capital refers to good interaction relationship between people because of the elements of togetherness and social trust in the values contained in the custom. Social capital has an important role in the formation of social integration because social capital has very close relationship with the growth of economic capital in communities. The existence of good social capital encourages opportunities for the creation of economic capital so the community financial ability will increase. Character of rural areas is closely related to nature. Nature becomes a part of life because nature is a part of rural communities, which provides the necessities of life. Socially, Soerjono Soekanto explained that the village community is a communal society. The villagers have a high sense of integrity toward others because of the strong kinship patterns in communities. Therefore, adherence values and norms become important features of rural communities. This concept is closely linked to social capital. In this sense social capital is social capital the basic building blocks of communal activities of the villagers. In society life, social capital is considered important because it provides an important contribution in shaping a harmonious society and independent. In addition, social capital is also important to set good public relations within society and among the public. For the identification of social capital in communities considered very important especially when the influence of cultural capital city began to enter the village for essential elements was not lost. In this study, found social capital identified in the 3 forms of social capital that is skills expertise, institutional, as well as values and norms contained in the community. The three forms of social capital ultimately synergize to promote the development of economic capital for the community Petungkriyono: 1. Skills Social capital in terms of skills pretty much found in the community. Although very rare to find a graduate degree, they are quite skilled in an effort to live independently. Skills that they get are entirely derived from the frequently performed habit and more likely to be affected due to natural circumstances. As happened in the Telogopakis village. They can estimate the right time to plant crops and how to care for a good crop. Even many black rice farmers in the Telogopakis village contracted to produce tons of “black rice” annually by the company in the city. The fertile agriculture fields in the Village Telogopakis make enough progress. Yosorejo Villages is a village in Petungkriyono which advanced because of its strategic location at the crossroads between villages. For that many people who took the initiative to establish a motorcycle rental business until ―doplak‖ as the primary means of transportation between villages. Then, the skills to grow ―ginseng‖ in the Village Simego make this village becomes the main ―ginseng‖ producer which is contracted by the Korean company. In addition to skills in farming and trade, they are also skilled in science. They can create artificial electricity using water turbines and solar power. So for lighting or electric power needs, they are more likely to use electricity from windmills or solar water than electricity ISSN 2086-5953 from PLN because they do not need to spend tax money to pay electricity grid. Picture 3. Turbine and Solar Power in Petungkriyono 2. Institutional Different forms of social capital embodied in social groups are also increasingly found in community. The group formed usually in more formal society since the formation of community groups that tend to be based on the elements on the basis of kinship and togetherness. Based on the level, type of group is divided into 2 types, namely between village groups and groups in the village. However, there is also group presents only in one village and not found in any other village. Membership of the group is usually flexible, meaning that the participation of citizens in the group not be compulsory. Some social groups that exist are as follows: Name Description Level Description Pra y in g g ro u p community groups to meet the spiritual needs. Usually held every Tuesday evening for mothers and Friday night for the gentlemen. village Each village has a village nearly all study groups. In fo rm al sav in g g ro u p s formed by communities as a means of share capital as well as community efforts to assist each other in financial affairs. village Village Every village almost all have a group gathering. Per h u tan i L ab o u r Gr o u p This group is usually only attended by the workers who were employed by Perhutani. They are the workers in charge of tapping pine resin. Usually they gather in Mudal, where the sap will be remitted to the Perhutani. Usually gather in Mudal. Each hamlet RW only 1 person who is worked by the perhutani. Do p lak E m p lo y er s Gr o u p This group is followed only by citizens who have doplak only. Usually gather in Mudal. Not all employers doplak hamlet there. L ab o r g ro u p s g in sen g g ro u p Labor groups ginseng group was only followed by people who become workers ginseng by PT. Yuasa, a Korean company. village Theres only village in the Simego Village. B lack R ice Far m er s Gr o u p This group was only followed by rice farmers in the village of Telogopakis black. village Theres only village in Telogopakis Village. Diagram 1. Social Groups in Petungkriyono 3. Social value Rural element is visible in the community Petungkriyono. Social values are still very firmly held by the public. Social values, among others: ISSN 2086-5953 Values And Norms Values And Norms embodiment of values in everyday life Togetherness  Mutual cooperation repair damaged roads  Helps repair damaged a neighbors house  Establishing community associations Trust  There is no crime news  Honesty is upheld in society Mutual exchange of information  Social networks how to grow a good crop Mutual  exchange of information about the condition of village development Mutual Relations  neighborly relationship  Mutual help if anyone have a celebration Diagram 2. Table of Social Value

3.2 The Role of Social Capital