Types of Code-switching Code-switching

14 establish in-group feeling in specific communication. As cited in Cantone, 2007, p. 54 The researcher also found other theories about code-switching. According to Gutherie 1984 and Milk 1982, as cited by Gulzar and Asmari, 2014, p. 2, the function of code-switching requires some factors to be pointed out in finding the function. They are the language in which certain actions were performed, the frequency and consistency thereof, and the values which were carried over by teacher‟s pattern of bilingual communication to the learners. Martin and Jones 1995 state that the function of the code-switching further influencing the success of the teacher in a classroom since the flow is continuously negotiated as cited in Milroy and Muysken, 1995, p. 90. They state that teachers and learners exploit the contrast between the codes by defining different types of discourse, repeatedly negotiating join frames of reference and exchanging meaning in the spur of the moment. Appel and Muysken 2006 mention some model functions of code- switching. There are six functions of code-switching, namely referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. Referential function refers to the code switcher using the code-switching because of lack of knowledge of one language and lack of facility in the certain subject. The next function is the directive function where it happens because it involves the hearer directly and it is to exclude certain persons present from a portion of the conversation, For instance, parents‟ conversation uses code- switching to keep the privacy while staying within the children. For the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 expressive function, it happens when the speaker emphasizes a mixed identity through the use of two languages in the same discourse. Another fuction is the phatic function. The phatic function is a type of function shows that code- switching indicates a change in a tone of the conversation. The next function is the metalinguistic fuction where it comes into a play when it is used to comment directly or indirectly on the languages involved. The use of code-switching in this type is to impress the linguistic skills. The last functioin is the poetic function. This function refers to the bilingual language usage that involves switched puns, jokes, etc. d. Code-switching in Teaching A teacher is expected to be a model for the student. In the bilingual classroom, the teacher tries to drive the student to understand both languages. In this case, the code-switching happened when the teacher switches the languages while in the classroom both languages are expected to be used. Mattson and Burenhult 1999 point out that there are three functions of code-switching as cited in Sert, 2005. The first function is the topic switch. The topic switch refers to the function of code-switching that is to increase the understanding of language through the topic that is explained by the teacher. The teacher relates the topic to the first language in the same term in order to enhance the students‟ understanding of the second language. The topic switch is aimed to direct the students‟ attention to the new knowledge by making use of code- switching and accordingly making use of the native tongue. At this point, it may be suggested that a bridge from known native language to unknown new PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 foreign language content is constructed in order to transfer the new content and meaning is made clear in this way. The second function is the affective function. This function regards to the affection of the teacher to the student in building the good relationship of the teacher to the student. Code-switching is used in order to make the students feel comfortable so both the students and the teacher share good affection in their relationship in the learning process. Code-switching can also be used for repetitive function. This function shows that the code-switching is needed by the teacher in order to explain the meaning of the words and also the phonology rules of the words. Following the instruction in the target language, the teacher switches to native language in order to clarify meaning, and in this way stresses importance on the foreign language content for efficient comprehension. However, the tendency to repeat the instruction in native language may lead to some undesired student behaviors.

B. Theoretical Framework

In SDN Serayu Yogyakarta, English is the foreign language for the students and the teacher. Therefore, the classroom is considered as the bilingual classroom. During the English class, the teacher speaks both English and Bahasa Indonesia. In this chance, the code-switching ‟s phenomena could appear. In discussing the code-switching ‟s phenomenon, the researcher uses the McArthur‟s 1998 theory underlies this research. It is used to answer the first research question. They are namely inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, tag switching, and intra-word switching. In this case, the researcher also uses 17 Poplack ‟s 1981 perspective to make deep understanding of some types of code- switching . Poplack‟s 1981 and McArthur‟s 1998 have the same perspectives to the types of code-switching; those types are inter-sentential switching, intra- sentential switching, and tag switching. The researcher also uses one of the theories that are provided by many experts. It may be different from one another‟s use of code-switching. This research discusses the code-switching that happened in the bilingual classroom when learning the foreign language. In the classroom, the teacher is the model and resource to the students to learn, especially for the students who are still in early age. The teacher is expected to be able to enact the students in understanding the material well. There are some functions of code-switching presented by experts. The researcher uses the functions of code-switching that are proposed by Mattson and Burenhult 1999 since those functions of code-switching mostly used in the teaching activities. Those functions are topic switch function, affective function, and repetitive function. All those functions are related to the use of code- switching in the bilingual classroom. Therefore, the researcher analyzed the code- switching of the teacher in SDN Serayu Yogyakarta using Mattson and Burenhult ‟s theory 1999. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI