Research Instruments Data Gathering Techniques


F. Research Procedures

This part shows the procedures of conducting the research from the beginning until the report of the data. The procedures will be listed as follows: 1 The researcher asked the advisor whether the topic was appropiate. 2 The researcher chose the method for the study. 3 The researcher chose the observation and the interview as the instruments to collect the data. 4 The researcher made some questions for the interview based on Mattson and Burenhult 1999 perspective. 5 The researcher decided where the research would be conducted. 6 The researcher chose the subject for this research. Therefore, the researcher asked the permission from the headmaster of the school where the researcher chose the subject. 7 The researcher chose the sample for this research. 8 The researcher asked agreement with the subject. 9 The researcher observed the teaching activities in some classes; they were 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 4A, and 5C. 10 The researcher conducted the observation twice in 2A, 2B, 3B and 3C while for 4A and 5C, the researcher observed once since the classes were conducted in 70 minutes for each meeting. 11 The researcher took notes the code-switching which was done by the teacher in some classes and recorded it in order to avoid missing the data. 12 The researcher did the interview in one day – on 23 rd of April 2016. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 13 The researcher took a note and recorded the interview in order to avoid missing the data. 14 The researcher transcribed the record result in order to avoid the bias data. 15 The researcher got all the data needed. 16 The researcher analyzed the data. 17 The researcher drew the conclusion from the data gathering and presented in narrative one. 18 The researcher consulted the data with the thesis advisor. 19 The result would be examined in the thesis defence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27


This chapter discusses the data that were obtained through observation and interview of the English teacher in SDN Serayu Yogyakarta. The data are used to answer the questions of this research. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher presented the data which were obtained through the observation and the interview. Then, the researcher discussed them at the same part. Therefore, the research results and the discussion would be presented at the same section. In order to answer the research problems, the researcher analyzed into two sections namely the types and function of the code-switching. In the first section, the researcher would see the types of the code-switching that were used by the teacher in SDN Serayu Yogyakarta. There are four types of code-switching; inter- sentential, intra-sentential, tag switching, and intra-word that would be discussed based on the data obtained. In the second section, the researcher analyzed the functions of code-switching based on the data obtained.

A. Types of code-switching

The code-switching phenomena occured in SDN Serayu Yogyakarta since the English teacher used both English and Bahasa Indonesia when teaching English subject. According to McArthur 1998, there are some types of code- switching. The types are inter-sentential, intra-sentential, tag switching, and intra- word. Based on McArthur‟s perspective, the researcher found that the teacher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 used the types of code-switching when teaching in some classes. Due to that, the researcher presented the percentage of the types of code-switching which had been done by the teacher. Table 4.1: The Percentage of the Types of Code -Switching NO. Class Types of Code-switching Total of teacher utterances Inter. Intra. Tag. Intra. W 1. 2A 7 28 16 64 2 8 25 100 2. 2B 7 27 12 46 5 19 2 7 26 100 3. 3B 10 30 13 43 6 20 1 4 30 100 4. 3C 8 50 5 25 3 19 16 100 5. 4A 8 57 3 21,5 3 21,5 14 100 6. 5C 7 37 4 21 8 42 19 100 Total 36 41 21 2 100 The table above shows the percentage of total types of code-switching that have been used by the teacher in class 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 4A, and 5C. From the percentage, it is found that the teacher mostly used intra-sentential and inter- sentential switching almost in every class. The percentage of each class is different. The teacher did it based on the the teacher‟s needs. Based on the findings, the researcher sees that the teacher did code-switching mostly in class 3B. The teacher mostly did code-switching in that class since the situation in that class was noisy. In this case, the teacher‟s speech was increasing As seen from the table, the inter-sentential switching occurred mostly in class 3C, 4A, and 5C. Intra-sentential switching mostly occurred in 2A, 2B, and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI