Intra-sentential Switching Types of code-switching

37 [The teacher reminded a student to put his leg down from the table]. In case 75, it shows the situation where one of the students put his leg on the table then the teacher reminded him not to do so. The teacher did intra-word switching by the word “legnya”. The word “leg” is an English word which is added by suffix in Bahasa Indonesia “-nya”. Therefore, in this case, it is considered as intra- word since the word “leg” is added by the Indonesian suffix. The suffix “-nya” is translated as the word “the” in English. So, the word “legnya” can be translated into “the leg”. Another example of intra-word switching: [Case 51] T: Next, exercisenya yang paling akhir the last exercise class [The teacher asked the students to work on the next exercise] The next is case 51. That case occurred when the teacher asked the students to work on the next exercise since most of the students have done their task. The example above shows that the teacher did the intra-word switching. The utterance is the word “exercisenya”. In this case, the word “exercisenya” can be translated into “the exercise” in English. The word “exercise” belongs to English word. How ever, the teacher added suffix “-nya” which belongs to Bahasa Indonesia word. Thus, the word “exercisenya” is considered as intra-word switching. Based on both cases above, the cases prove that the teacher had already done the intra-word switching when teaching in some classes. Due to that, the researcher considers that the teacher has already mastered the intra-word switching when doing some activities in the classes. 38

B. Functions of Code-switching

The teacher had done the code-switching in teaching English in SDN Serayu Yogyakarta since the teacher had the purposes of doing it. The teacher considered that by doing the code-switching, it could help the students to learn English easier. Based on this case, the researcher tries to see the functions of code-switching that had been done by the teacher. Mattson and Burrenhult 1999 provide some functions of code-switching; they are a topic switch, an affective function, and a repetitive function. Based on the interview results, the researcher found that the teacher mentioned that the use of code-switching could help the students to learn English language more effective, especially for the students in the lower grade. The teacher mentioned that the advantage of using code-switching in the lower grade could reach 70. Therefore, based on the observing and the interviewing results, the researcher tries to calculate the percentage of the functions of code-switching which are used by the teacher when teaching in the classes. The percentage of the functions of code-switching can be seen in the table below: Table 4.2: The percentage of the code -switching functions Number of teacher utterances=130 FUNCTION OF CODE-SWITCHING Topic Switch Affective Repetitive Total in each function 5 22 103 Percentage 5 16 79 39 The data above shows that the highest percentage of code-switching ‟s function that had been used by the English teacher was the repetitive function. The percentage is 79. It could be said that the teacher mostly used code- switching for repetitive function. As stated before, Mattson and Burrenhult 1999 provide three functions of code-switching; they are the topic switch, the affective function, and the repetitive function. Therefore, the researcher would present the findings and then discuss them one by one.

1. Topic switch function

Mattson and Burrenhult 1999 believe that topic function requires the understanding of the listener. In this function, the teacher switched to the first language in order to enhance the students‟ understandings. Based on this function, code-switching could be used to help the teacher transfer new context clearly. In this research, the researcher found that the teacher was less to use code-switching for the topic switch in her classrooms. The percentage of this type used by the teacher is 5. This percentage is the lowest function of the code-switching that is used by the teacher. The following example is considered as the topic switch. [Case 43] T: Fish or snake jadinya? S: Fish aja miss? T: Alright, your group name is fish. Oke semuanya, sekarang buka „evaluation 3‟ ya. Okay everybody, now please open „evaluation 3‟. In case 43, the teacher divided all the students into some groups. Then the teacher named every group using animals‟ name. The teacher had named almost all the groups. However, there was still a group had not gotten a name. Therefore, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI