E. Data Analysis Technique

In qualitative research, there are three techniques which are used to analyze the data according to Ary et al. 2010. They are organizing and familiarizing, the data, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. The first technique was taking notes during the teaching activities by using the code-switching table to identify the types and functions of it. The researcher also recorded the teacher‟s speech in the classroom to support the data. After that, the researcher counted the data that had been gathered. The next technique was analysing the result by relating the data to the supporting theories. Moreover, the results of the interview were also related to the functions of code-switching that were appeared in the speech. It was aimed to strengthen the result functions of code-switching. The researcher used the table to classify the sentences into the types and function of code-switching. The table consists of the columns to note the sentences and to identify the types and function of code-switching. Then, the researcher described the examples of the results to descriptive text. The researcher consulted the analysis of types of code-switching with a linguist to have the expert judgment. Therefore, the researcher obtained the validation of the analysis. In analyzing the functions of code-switching, the researcher used the interview results from the teacher to validate the analysis of the findings. 25

F. Research Procedures

This part shows the procedures of conducting the research from the beginning until the report of the data. The procedures will be listed as follows: 1 The researcher asked the advisor whether the topic was appropiate. 2 The researcher chose the method for the study. 3 The researcher chose the observation and the interview as the instruments to collect the data. 4 The researcher made some questions for the interview based on Mattson and Burenhult 1999 perspective. 5 The researcher decided where the research would be conducted. 6 The researcher chose the subject for this research. Therefore, the researcher asked the permission from the headmaster of the school where the researcher chose the subject. 7 The researcher chose the sample for this research. 8 The researcher asked agreement with the subject. 9 The researcher observed the teaching activities in some classes; they were 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 4A, and 5C. 10 The researcher conducted the observation twice in 2A, 2B, 3B and 3C while for 4A and 5C, the researcher observed once since the classes were conducted in 70 minutes for each meeting. 11 The researcher took notes the code-switching which was done by the teacher in some classes and recorded it in order to avoid missing the data. 12 The researcher did the interview in one day – on 23 rd of April 2016. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI