Intra-word Switching Types of code-switching

40 the teacher said, “Alright, your group name is fish”. After saying that sentence, the teacher continued saying, “Oke semuanya, sekarang buka „evaluation 3‟ ya”. The Indonesian sentence indicates that the teacher did the topic switch since the teacher used that sentence to invite the students to continue the next section. The teacher used Indonesia sentence –the students‟ mother tongue – to make sure that the students were ready to continue the next activity. As stated by Mattson and Burenhult 1999, the topic switch is aimed to direct the students‟ attention to the new knowledge by making use of code-switching and accordingly making use of the native tongue. Moreover, Mattson and Burenhult 1999 emphasizes that topic switch is used to avoid a misinterpretation. As can be seen in case 43, the teacher did the topic switch to make her instruction understandable. The teacher would to emphasize the clarity of her instruction using the students‟ mother tongue, “Oke semuanya, sekarang buka „evaluation 3‟ ya”. The following example is also considered as topic switch that occurred in the class. [Case 49] T: Have you finished all? Langsung dikoreksi ya, nanti Miss tanya satu persatu. It will be directly corrected, I will ask you one by one. Case 49 shows that the teacher used code-switching for topic switch. The teacher asked the students in English, whether the students had done their works or not. It can be seen from the teacher‟s sentence, “Have you finished all?”. Then the teacher switched code to Indonesian sentence , “Langsung dikoreksi ya, nanti Miss tanya satu persatu ”, to inform the next activity. In this case, the teacher did the code-switching in order to make the instruction clear about the next activity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 Due to that, the topics that were discussed would be different. The teacher switched her utterance using the students‟ mother tongue to switch the topic. Both cases above show that the teacher also did the topic switch when teaching English in the classes. Due to the interview results, the researcher found that the teacher did code-switching to guide the students to the new topic. [Interview 1] T: Kalau untuk membahas sebuah topik saya juga pakai code-switching terutama kalau saya mau masuk ke topik baru. Saya harus mengarahkan mereka dulu biar dong apa yang mau dibahas. [In discussing a topic, I used to use code-switching mainly if I started to discuss a new topic. I had to guide them first so they would understand about what topic that they would discuss next.] Mattson and Burenhult 1999 states that a teacher uses code-switching to avoid misinterpretation of the topic that they will discuss. In this case, the teacher mentioned that she used code-switching to guide the students to understand the topic so that the students would not misinterpret the topic. Therefore, it can be said that the teacher also has mastered the topic switch when teaching the students.

2. Affective Function

The affective function is a function of code-switching that regards to the good relationship with the teacher and the students. A teacher also needs to build good affection in learning process Mattson and Burrenhult, 1999. Moreover, Mattson and Burrenhult 1999 emphasize that code-switching can be used as the strategy to build a good relationship in the bilingual classroom. The researcher found that the teacher also used code-switching to show something that had no correlation to the topic or material that they discussed on. Based on that finding, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 the researcher found that the teacher used code-switching for affective function. The percentage of this type used by the teacher is 16. Here is the example of the affective functions that occurred in the bilingual classroom. [Case 65] T: Are you finished eating your breakfast? Udah makan? Have you eaten? S: No no miss beliin treat us In case 65 above, it occurred when the teacher had just entered the class. The teacher found that some students were still busy with their food. Therefore, the teacher said, “Are you finished your breakfast? Udah makan Have you eaten? ”. She asked whether the students had finished their breakfast or not since she was going to start the class. However, she did not start the class directly. She asked the students about their breakfast. In that case, other students who did not eat the snack and food in that time also responded to the teacher‟s question. One of the students responded “No no Miss beliin” as they just joked with the teacher. As seen from the example, t he teacher‟s utterance shows that the teacher gave her attention to the students in the class by translating the meaning of the previous sentence. Furthermore, the switching sentence was not related to the topic of learning. Thus, it is considered as affective function. The following example is considered as affective function that occurred in the bilingual classroom. [Case 68] T: Are you ready to study English, class? Kurang konsentrasi hayo. you do not concentrate enough class. Case 68 above, the teacher asked the question to the students while the students were still busy with themselves. The teacher asked, “Are you ready to study English class?” to show her attention to the students since the students