Inter-sentential Switching Types of code-switching


2. Intra-sentential Switching

McArthur 1998 states that intra-sentential switching is a type of code- switching that occurs within clause and sentence boundaries. It can occur in a word and phrase in a single utterance. Based on the findings, the intra-sentential is mostly used by the teacher. It can be seen at the percentage of that type; its percentage is 41. The following example is the example of intra-sentential switching from English to Bahasa Indonesia. [Case 23] T: What is koran newspaper in English? S: Koran newspaper is newspaper miss. T: Okay, Very good Case 23 occurred when the teacher was explaining about “things” and their definitions. They should name the picture using the English language. The teacher used Bahasa Indonesia word “Koran” on the case 23 within the English sentence. The word “Koran” is the only Indonesian word that appeared in the English sentence. The following example is another example of as intra-sentential switching that occurred in Indonesian sentence. [Case 17] T: I‟ll count one to ten S: What Miss? T: Saya hitung sampe I will count until ten ya. Case 17 shows the situation where the students should answer the questions that were given by the teacher in competition game and the students should raise their hand. The teacher said in Bahasa Indonesia , “Saya hitung sampe... ” then she switched into English word “ten”. The teacher continued with the Bahasa Indonesia word “ya”. This code-switching is considered as intra- 34 sentent ial switching because the word „ten‟ is a switching that occurred in the Indonesian sentence. Th e word „ten‟ is the only English word that appeared in that sentence. In this research, the researcher also found some of the intra-sentential switching utterances in the form of a phrase. [Case 103] S: Miss, what is “their own tickets”? T: Their own tickets are tiket mereka sendiri class their own tickets. The situation of case 103 shows that the teacher asked the students to translate a story in their workbooks about a movie theater. The teacher did code- switching from English, “their own tickets are...” to Bahasa Indonesia phrase, “tiket mereka sendiri”. That case shows that the teacher did intra-sentential switching since the switching occurred in Bahasa Indonesia phrase within the English sentence. The following example is also considered as intra-sentential switching. [Case 25] T: Oke sekarang kita Okay, Now let us go on ya. S: Magazine, miss. T: The answer is right. Good Okay, next. In this occasion, the teacher asked the students to answer the questions provided in the workbook. The previous student answered the right answer and the teacher directly said that they should go on to the next number quickly because they would have another practice in their workbooks. Case 25 above shows that the teacher did intra-sentential switching by saying English phr ase “go on”. The English phrase appears within the Indonesian sentence. That case proves that the teacher had already done the intra-sentential switching in the class. 35

3. Tag Switching

According to McArthur 1998, tag switching occurrs when the bilingual uses a tag and set phrases in one language are inserted into an utterance otherwise in another as the switching language. Poplack 1981 states that tag switching has also a minimum risk to harm the grammatical rule. Moreover, Poplack 1981 emphasizes that tag switching can be inserted in many different places in the utterance. In this research, the researcher found some data which are considered as tag switching. The tag switching percentage is 21. Here are the examples of tag switching: [Case 106] S: Done miss. T: Yuk, I will give you time to work. Case 106 above occurred when the teacher was reviewing vocabularies for the students because the students had to translate the story of a movie theater. The teacher told the students that she would give the students time to do their tasks. The teacher used Bahasa Indonesia word “Yuk” then she switched it into English sentence. In this case, the word “Yuk” means “let us” in English. However, the word “Yuk” does not harm the grammar and the semantic of the English sentence. Thus, it is considered as tag switching. The following example is also the example of the use of the word “kan ya” in the teacher‟s speech. [Case 33] T: What is it? T: This is knife, kan ya? isnt‟it? Case 33 was obtained in the pre-learning activity. The teacher checked the students‟ artworks before start the class and the teacher tried to confirm the 36 artwork of a student. In this case, the code-switching occurred . The teacher used the Indonesian word, “kan ya?” in English sentence. In this case the tag, “kan ya? ” was inserted into the English utterance by the teacher. McArthur 1998 defines that tag switching means the tag is inserted into an utterance. Due to that, the case is considered as the type of code-switching. The next example is also considered as tag switching used by the teacher: [Case 63] T: Class, have you finished? T: Yak, two minutes again. In this occasion, the teacher gave the students an exercise and the allocated time was over. The teacher informed the students that the time to work on the task was over and they had to submit it to the teacher soon. Case 63 shows that the teacher did code-switching in the English sentence that is “Yak, two minutes again”. The word “yak” here belongs to Bahasa Indonesia word and it occurred within English sentence. The word “yak” actually has no meaning in this sentence. In this sentence, the word “yak” does not harm the grammatical and semantic rules.

4. Intra-word Switching

Intra-word switching is a type of code-switching in which a change occurs within a word boundary as stated by McArthur 1998. The researcher found that intra- word occurred in the teacher‟s utterances. The teacher used intra-word switching when teaching. However, the percentage of intra-word switching is 2. Here is the example of intra-word switching. [Case 75] T: Your leg, please What happened itu legnya? with the leg 37 [The teacher reminded a student to put his leg down from the table]. In case 75, it shows the situation where one of the students put his leg on the table then the teacher reminded him not to do so. The teacher did intra-word switching by the word “legnya”. The word “leg” is an English word which is added by suffix in Bahasa Indonesia “-nya”. Therefore, in this case, it is considered as intra- word since the word “leg” is added by the Indonesian suffix. The suffix “-nya” is translated as the word “the” in English. So, the word “legnya” can be translated into “the leg”. Another example of intra-word switching: [Case 51] T: Next, exercisenya yang paling akhir the last exercise class [The teacher asked the students to work on the next exercise] The next is case 51. That case occurred when the teacher asked the students to work on the next exercise since most of the students have done their task. The example above shows that the teacher did the intra-word switching. The utterance is the word “exercisenya”. In this case, the word “exercisenya” can be translated into “the exercise” in English. The word “exercise” belongs to English word. How ever, the teacher added suffix “-nya” which belongs to Bahasa Indonesia word. Thus, the word “exercisenya” is considered as intra-word switching. Based on both cases above, the cases prove that the teacher had already done the intra-word switching when teaching in some classes. Due to that, the researcher considers that the teacher has already mastered the intra-word switching when doing some activities in the classes.