Research Type Research Setting

c. Process validity Process validity meant that actions that are done in the research were believable. To get the process validity, the researcher collected the data by doing observation, and noted the events during the implementation of the action research. The researcher took note and recorded anything that happened in the teaching learning process of the class VIIC students at SMP N 2 Depok. d. Catalytic validity Catalytic validity relates to the extent to which the research allows participants to deepen their understanding of the social realities of the context and how they can make changes within it. In order to fulfill this validity the researcher interviewed the English teacher and the students by asking about their responses to the changes occurring to themselves. e. Dialogic validity Dialogic validity means that the stakeholders could participate in the process of the research. To get the dialogic validity, the researcher did peer review in action research. It would mean dialogue with practitioner peers, either through collaborative enquiry or reflective dialogue with ‘critical friends’ or other practitioner researchers who can act as ‘devil’s advocates’. To get the trustworthiness of the data and to avoid subjectivity in analyzing the data, the researcher uses triangulation. Furthermore, Burns 1999: 164 proposes four forms of triangulation namely time triangulation, space triangulation, investigator triangulation, and theoretical triangulation. The researcher used three of them as follows: a. Time triangulation Time triangulation means that data were collected at one point in time or over a period of time to get a sense of what factors were involved in the change process. In this regard, the researcher conducted the action in two cycles which one cycle consisted of three-five meetings. b. Space triangulation The data were collected across different subgroups of people involving the students with various backgrounds of knowledge and different levels of English proficiency. c. Investigator triangulation In this way, more than one observer was involved in the same research setting to avoid the biased interpretation. The research collaborated with English teacher to act as observer.

H. Procedure of the Research a.

Reconnnaissance Reconnaissance was the first step in this research. The researcher did this step to find out the information concerning on the students’ reading comprehension. Then, the researcher tried to identify the existing problems by doing class observation, interviewing the English teacher and the students, and conducting a pre-test. The problems came from the students, the teacher, and the learning activity involved in the teaching-learning process. All of the data collected were presented in the form of identified field problems.