Theory of Jigsaw a. Definition of Jigsaw

jigsaw technique succeed to improve the students achievement in reading. One of them is conducted by Dararat Pom-D entitled “The Effect of Jigsaw Technique II on Reading Comprehension of Mattayom Suksa 1 Students”. This thesis is classified into experimental research which is to examine whether the jigsaw technique has an effect or not on students’ reading comprehension. He conducted the research at Witlaemsuwannaram Municipality School whose the subject is the students of Mattayom Suksa 1. Prom-D 2012:35 reported that the results revealed that Mattayom Suksa 1 students’ achievement reading comprehension was higher after being taught by using the jigsaw II technique. This study shows that the mean on the post test was 3.76 higher than the pre-test from 21.32 to 25.08. Another researcher is Jing Meng who tried to combine jigsaw cooperative learning with the teaching of English reading. He wanted to confirm that jigsaw as cooperative learning is more effective in teaching English reading in Colleges. This study is classified into experimental study with the pre-test and post-test as the instrument. The subject of this study is 146 freshman students majoring in Arts. He divided into experimental group who was taught by using jigsaw and control group who was taught by using traditional method. Meng 2010:503 states that the mean of experimental class in pre-test is 10.96, in post-test 13.10. The progress is significant, while in control class, no rapid progress has been made. The result of this study shows that jigsaw cooperative learning is one of the most effective ways of teaching English reading in college. In addition, Novianto 2012 writes thesis about effort to improve the students’ reading comprehension using jigsaw technique. This study tries to find out whether the jigsaw technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension or not. This study is classified into action research. The subject of the research is the second year students of SMAN 1 Kalasan Yogyakarta. In conclusion of the study, Novianto 2012:173-174 says that all students were enthusiastic in joining the reading class, they all were active in sharing and discussing their texts in their expert group and they all presented their texts to their jigsaw group mates and the students dared to share and ask their friends when they got the problems or when they did not know about the texts they read after the jigsaw technique was implemented in the class. Thus, those studies find that the implementation of the jigsaw technique is believed to be effective to improve the students’ reading comprehension. The differences between those studies and this study are the use of the methods, the materials, the time of the research and the subject of the research.

C. Conceptual Framework

The concepts of the jigsaw technique to improve the students’ reading comprehension have been explored in the previous section. In this section the conceptual framework will be explained in detail. The English teaching can not be separated from teaching reading. Considering the importance of teaching reading in terms of reading comprehension, it is important to find the suitable technique since the students were less motivated and felt bored in facing the English text.