Validity and Reliability of Data



In this chapter, the researcher presents the report from the procedures of research that have been planned in the previous chapter. It describes the reconnaissance step and the report of the action in Cycle 1 and 2 which includes planning, action, and observation and reflection. The findings and the discussion of the research were presented from the result of the research.

A. Reconnaissance 1. Identification of the Problems

In this step, researcher did the reconnaissance step to identify the existing problems. The researcher did some activities such as did classroom observation, interviews, and a pre-test .The classroom observation and the interviews were done on 28 January 2014. The first activity was the classroom observation which was done in the language laboratory. The classroom observation was conducted to record any event that happened during the English teaching and learning process in the classroom. It was used to gather any important information that causes some problems. In the second activity, the researcher interviewed the students and the teacher. It was done after the English class was ended. The interview aimed to collect information about the students’ and teacher’s perspective and opinion about the teaching-learning process. The last activity was the pre-test that was used to measure the students’ competence before implementing the actions. The observation of the teaching-learning process in this stage was presented in the form of vignette below: Vignette At class VII C of SMP N 2 Depok The teaching-learning process was in the language laboratory. The teacher asked the students outside to come into the laboratory. The teacher waited in laboratory while preparing the materials in the computer. Few minutes later, the students came in the laboratory and they took a seat based on their presence number. The students seemed that they were not ready to join the class. Most of them were busy with their business and they talked to their friend without focusing the teacher’s instruction. Meanwhile, the teacher tried to control the class by greeting the class “good morning” and the students responded it “good morning”. Then, the teacher asked the students “ Who was absent today?”and the students answered “no one Sir”. Meanwhile, there were many students missing in the class and the teacher had not start the lesson yet. Some students told the teacher that they were in the canteen. Then, there are six students came late and they argued to the teacher that they had been returned books to the library. Next, the class started at 08.50 a.m. which was 10 minutes was running out for nothing. The teacher asked the student to have a look at the computer in front of them. He used the e-book as the material entitled “English in Focus for Grade VII” in which the material was advertisement. He asked the students to read the text in page 65 but the students were still not focus. The teacher pointed out a student named Faiz to read a loud the text but he seemed afraid and read the text with low voice. Then, the teacher discussed the text by translating the text word by word and some students were yawned. The teacher also asked the students to open their dictionary yet some students did not bring it. After that, the teacher gave a task about TrueFalse task and he asked them to do the task quickly. Some students did not know about the TrueFalse task. It was seen that the learning activity was inefficient because some students in the back did not do the task. It was happen because the teacher did not check the students in the back. Some students were not enthusiastic and they often made jokes in doing the task. The teacher asked the students to answer the task to be discussed one by one. Then, the bell rang at 09.15 a.m. that signed the break of the lesson. The class started again at 09.30 a.m. in which the students were not readily yet. Some students joked around with their friend in the class. The second text was discussed then and the teacher explained the text. Then, the teacher asked the students to do another task. The task was matching the word with the meaning of the word. The teacher explained how they should do the task. Some students were noisy in the class and the teacher asked them to open the dictionary to help them to do the task. The teacher then walked around to control the students who were too active in the class. Some students also were sleepy when they did the task. The teacher gave the students ten minutes to do the task. After that, they discussed the text together and the teacher asked some students to tell the answer. Finally, the class was ended at 10.10 a.m. and the teacher closed the lesson. Tuesday, January 28 2014 From the vignette above the researcher noticed some problems in the teaching-learning process. It could be said the students had low attention to the learning activity. They were bored and not enthusiastic in joining the class. Moreover, the researcher interviewed the students and the teacher to get deeper information in identifying the problems. For the interview activity, it was presented as follow: R: Tadi pelajaran bahasa Inggrisnya gimana mudah apa sulit? How was the English lesson? Was it easy or difficult? I: Banyak sulitnya sih mas. I found many problems R: Kamu tadi aku perhatikan ngobrol terus si sama temenmu ya jadi gak dong to yang dijelasin Pak Ian tadi. I noticed that you were talking to your friend while Mr. Ian explained the material I: Kog mas tahu, hehe. Habis bosen mas, Pelajarannya cuma gitu-gitu aja. Didn’t you? I was bored because the learning was monotonous. R: Maksudnya? What do you mean? I: Ya paling membaca teks terus ngerjain soal begitu diulang-ulang terus. Paling yang disuruh menjawab soal juga anak yang duduk di depan doang. Yeah. It was just reading text and did the task which were repeated again and again. Moreover, one who asked to answer the question just students sat in front of the class. R: Emang jarang kerja kelompok ya? Did you rarely apply group work? I: Iya mas. Paling kalau ada PR kerja kelompoknya kalau disini jarang sekali. Yes of course. It was just for doing the homework not in the class. Interview transcript 6 Further, the researcher interviewed the teacher. The interview transcript was described below: R: Terus masalah yang biasanya dialami siswa apa Pak? What were the problems that usually undergone by the students? ET: Biasanya masalah vocabulary, grammar, terus teks yang panjang dan membosankan. Kalau sudah gitu saya putarkan musik di laboratorium untuk mengurangi rasa jenuhnya.