Implementing the Jigsaw Technique in the Reading Class

Then, the researcher explained to the students about the generic structure and the language features of the descriptive text. It can be seen from the field notes below. When the researcher explained the material, some students in the back talked each other so he walked closer to warn them and asked them to read the text entitled “My Dog, Brownie”. Next, the researcher asked them to make jigsaw groups and there were 5 jigsaw groups Teams A,B,C,D,and E. The researcher used group name board to set each of the groups in their place. It took them quite a long time to make jigsaw groups. After that, he asked the students to take a look at the text entitled “My Sphynx Cat”. He divided the topic into 5 topics. The students who got the same topic gathered in the expert group. The expert groups were divided into five different topics those were group 1: fur, group 2: body, group 3: tail, group 4: characteristics, group 5: habitual. The researcher asked them with spoken instruction to find description about the topic they got. The students discussed to R menjelaskan fungsi teks tersebut adalah memberikan deskripsi secara khusus tentang orang, barang, hewan, dan tempat dan teks tersebut menggunakan present tense yang biasanya memuat fakta dan kebenaran. Dan ciri khas teks tersebut adalah penggunaan present tense and kata sifat. Secara umum formula present tense adalah S+V1VsVes dan untuk kata sifat adalah yang bisa dibandingkan dan dapat dketahui dengan indra manusia. The researcher explained the function of descriptive text was to give a description about particular person, things, animal, and place. This text uses present tense which presents fact and truth. It usually had a special features which the use of present tense and adjective. Commonly, the formula of the present tense was S+V1VsVes and adjective was anything that could be compared and knew through the human sense. F.N. 5-16042014 find the information they needed. In the group discussion, the students were still confused about the instruction given by the researcher. Thus, he guided the students in the discussion process and walked around to check other groups. After all students had finished with the discussion, the researcher asked them to go back to the jigsaw group to share their information. A few minute later, the bell rang and the researcher ended the class.

b. Meeting 2

In the meeting 2, soon after opening the class and checking the students’ attendance, the researcher continued the previous materials that had not been finished yet. Since in this meeting there was just one hour for the allocated time. The researcher asked them to gather in their jigsaw group. The researcher faced the problem in this meeting. Those were summarized as follows Since then, the English teacher as the collaborator suggested the researcher to remake the jigsaw group. He added that the jigsaw group should consist of students who get different expert group. After that the researcher discussed the exercises in text “My Sphynx Cat”. He asked each jigsaw group to answer the question and most of them answered the correct answer. It could be seen from the field notes below. Tapi, banyak Ss yang lupa dengan anggota kelompok jigsaw mereka dan beberapa S tidak membawa handout yang telah dibagikan R dengan alasan ketinggalan di rumah. However, Many students forgot with the member of their jigsaw group and some students did not bring the handout given by the researcher and argued that it was left in the home. F.N. 6-21-042014