Reading Process Literature Review 1.

5. Inadequate use of effective reading strategies Weaker readers compared with skilled readers do not have strategic approach to interpret the text Westwood, 2008: 36. It is because they tend not to know of, or use, strategies that would help them visualize, make connections, reflect, infer, predict, question and summarize Westwood, 2008: 36. Here, strategies in reading are important in order to enhance the students’ reading comprehension. 6. Weak verbal reasoning The ability to reason is determined by an individual’s level of intelligence; but guided reading activities in which a teacher uses effective questioning to challenge students to think more deeply about the text they are reading are helpful in developing their ability to reason from the information given Westwood, 2008: 36. Deliberately guiding students to make connections between new information in text and their existing bank of knowledge is beneficial. 7. Problems with processing information Westwood 2008: 37 states that limited working memory is sometimes suggested as a causal factor in poor comprehension. It is known that individuals differ in their working-memory capacity, with some able to process and accommodate much more information than others. Working-memory capacity is significantly reduced if an individual is stressed or anxious, or is preoccupied and distracted by other issues. But it is also clear that slow word-by-word reading places unreasonable demands on working-memory span and makes it almost impossible to store information long enough for meaning to be maintained. 8. Problems in recalling information after reading Recall is dependent partly upon factors such as vividness and relevance of the information in the text; but it is also dependent upon a student giving adequate attention to the reading task and knowing that it is important to remember details. The use of graphic organizers to summarize and consolidate key points before, during and after reading can also help to strengthen recall of information Westwood, 2008: 37.

2. Theory of Teaching Reading a. The Nature of Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning are something inseparable in the education system. In the teaching and learning process, there is a process of transferring knowledge and values. In addition, Brown 2000: 7 says that “teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn and setting the conditions for learning”. Meanwhile Brown 2007: 7 says that “learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction”. According to SKKD for SMP in Indonesia, English is a tool in communication both in spoken and written forms. To communicate is to understand and to express the information, the mind, the feeling, the development of science and technology, and culture by using that language. The communication ability in a whole understanding is discourse ability. Discourse ability is the ability to understand and to produce oral or written texts, which are realized into four language skills: