Providing More Input Texts in the Form of Handouts

2. Action and Observation

The researcher implemented the revised plan in Cycle 2. There were four meetings in Cycle 2. The action was held on 19 th , 21 st , 26 th , and 28 th May 2014. The actions were reported below.

a. Meeting 1

In this meeting, the researcher implemented actions in Cycle 2 which the researcher started to teach procedure texts with “Technology” as the theme. The researcher explained the goal that should be achieved after opening the class. The researcher asked one of the students about the definition of the procedure text and he responded to it “It dealt with how to make something” since the procedure text had been learnt by him from the English teacher. Then, the researcher discussed the text entitled “How to turn on a computer” and he explained the function of the text, the generic structure, and the language features like a word order and imperative sentences. The next activity, of course, was the group discussion in the expert group. They did not have to make the jigsaw group first to determine the expert group to apply the jigsaw technique. It was because the researcher had formed both jigsaw and expert groups permanently. The expert group was divided into 5 with each of groups discussing different texts. The expert groups were group 1: How to charge a hand phone battery, group 2: How to send an email, group 3: Printing a file, group 4: How to clean a refrigerator, group 5: How to operate a washing machine. They had to revise the texts to have the right sequence steps. In this process, they were challenged to fix the text. Along the discussion process, the researcher and the English teacher also guided the students as shown in the field notes below. Some of them asked the researcher to confirm whether they have the right answer or not. While they were serious in discussing the task, the bell rang and the class was ended.

b. Meeting 2

Soon after opening the class, the researcher continued the previous meeting in the discussion step. In that meeting, the researcher was not accompanied by the English as the collaborator. It was explained in the following field notes. R dan ET juga turut serta untuk mengecek dan membimbing siswa sehingga mereka tidak salah dalam membetulkan langkah-langkah dari teks-teks tersebut. The researcher and the English teacher took part in the discussion to check and guide the students so they would not get wrong to rearrange the steps of the texts. FN 10-19-05-2014 ET tidak bisa menemani R untuk mengobservasi jalannya kegiatan kelas dikarenakan ada urusan keluarga. Sehingga R mengajak teman R yang bernama Ikba untuk membantu R untuk mencatat segala sesuatu yang terjadi dan mendokumentasikan. The English teacher could not join the class to observe the teaching-learning activity because she had another business with her family. So that, researcher asked his friend named Ikba to be a collaborator to write and document any events in the class. FN 11-21-05-2014