Data Collection Technique Data analysis Technique

b. Planning

After the problems have been identified, the researcher concerned on the existing problems. The researcher tried to look for the technique that can solve the problems. In planning the actions, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher to discuss the plan. The actions were implementing the jigsaw technique in the reading class, employing the stages of Genre-Based Approach in the teaching-learning process, providing more input texts in the form of handouts, and giving the students an opportunity to be more active through group discussion and group sharing section.

c. Action and Observation

After the action plans have been designed, the researcher had to implement the plan. The researcher used the jigsaw technique to solve the problems related to the students’ reading comprehension and the students’ participation in the reading class. The actions were implemented in two cycles. The qualitative data were collected through two techniques which were doing observation and interviews.

d. Reflection

In this step, the researcher had a reflection in each of the cycles that have been implemented. The researcher discussed the result of the actions with the teacher based on the observation in the class, interviews with the students, and took the result of the students’ score from the post-test. It was used to find out whether the actions were successful or not. If the actions carried out were successful, the researcher would continue to implement it. If the actions were unsuccessful, it would be revised in the next cycle. 39


In this chapter, the researcher presents the report from the procedures of research that have been planned in the previous chapter. It describes the reconnaissance step and the report of the action in Cycle 1 and 2 which includes planning, action, and observation and reflection. The findings and the discussion of the research were presented from the result of the research.

A. Reconnaissance 1. Identification of the Problems

In this step, researcher did the reconnaissance step to identify the existing problems. The researcher did some activities such as did classroom observation, interviews, and a pre-test .The classroom observation and the interviews were done on 28 January 2014. The first activity was the classroom observation which was done in the language laboratory. The classroom observation was conducted to record any event that happened during the English teaching and learning process in the classroom. It was used to gather any important information that causes some problems. In the second activity, the researcher interviewed the students and the teacher. It was done after the English class was ended. The interview aimed to collect information about the students’ and teacher’s perspective and opinion about the teaching-learning process. The last activity was the pre-test that was used to measure the students’ competence before implementing the actions. The