Reflection Procedure of the Research a.

It was vocabulary, grammar, and long and boring text. That is why I played the music in the laboratory to break the ice. R: Kemarin waktu saya observasi di kelas waktunya ada 2 jam pelajaran ya pak tapi kog teks yang dibahas 2 teks iklan yang pendek. Yesterday, when I observed the class, the providing time was two hours but it was just enough to discuss two short advertisement texts. ET: Nah itu mas, karena mangkondisikan situasi kelas agar kondusif itu sulit mas. Siswanya itu sulit diatur ada yang ngobrol sendiri. It was because I had to make the class conducive which was difficult. The students were not under control because they talked too much. Interview transcript 9 From the interview transcript above, the researcher concluded that the teacher rarely applied group work in the class and he used teacher-centered approach which made the class monotonous. Furthermore, the students had problems related to vocabulary, grammar, and text. To ensure this study in identifying the problems, the researcher also conducted a pre-test. The researcher conducted a pre-test on 14 April 2014 in which the researcher waited until the students getting material about descriptive and procedure text explained by their teacher. It was because the pre-test involved descriptive and procedure text. The result of the pre-test was used for obtaining the genuine data to know the students’ competence. It was described in the descriptive analyses result below: Table 1: The Students’ Reading Score in Pre-Test N Minimu m Maximu m Mean Std. Deviation Pretest 32 43.00 96.00 71.5313 12.92655 Valid N listwise 32 From the result of descriptive analysis above, it could be seen that many students did not achieve the minimal requirement of competency which is 75. The scores also indicated that there were a huge gap between the fast learners and the slow learners. After conducting those three activities, all information about problems was obtained. To know more specific problems found in the field, the researcher made a list of those problems. There were 24 problems noted by the researcher when conducting an observation, interviews, and a pre-test. The problems found in the field were presented in the table below. Table 2: The Arising Problems Found in the Field No. Problems Codes 1. The students were not ready when the class was started. S 2. Some students did not bring a dictionary. S 3. The students had low attention to the classroom activity. S 4. The students had low interest in answering the teacher’s questions. S 5. The students gave low attention to the teacher’s explanation. S 6. The students were easily bored in the class. S 7. The students were lazy to understand unfamiliar words. S 8. The students had difficulties in understanding texts. S 9. The students were lacked of grammar competence. S 10. Some students were lack of vocabulary. S 11. Some students walked around the class during the class. S 12. Some students pronounced some words wrongly. S 13. The teacher rarely guided the students in doing the task. T continued