Implementing the Jigsaw Technique in the Reading Class Employing the Stages of the Genre-Based Approach in the Teaching- Learning Process

For the result of quantitative data, it is taken from the pre-test and post-test. It was presented below. Table 6: The Comparison between Pre-Test and Post-Test Score Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair 1 Pretest 71.5313 32 12.92655 2.28511 Posttest 80.0938 32 8.21627 1.45244 Table 7: The Result of Quantitative Data from T-Test Analysis Paired Differences t df Sig. 2- tailed Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95 Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Pair 1 Pretest – Posttest -8.56250 11.89182 2.10220 -12.84996 -4.27504 -4.073 31 .000 From the result above, it can be seen that the pre-test mean is 71.5 with a standard deviation of 12.9, while the post test mean is 80 with a standard deviation of 8.2. The gain score is 8.5. According to the t statistic from the result of t-test, tvalue = -4.073; sig. = 0.000, it means that the score difference is significance because sig. 0.05. From the data above, it can be concluded that the students’ reading comprehension is significantly improved. Thus, it can be said that the jigsaw technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension. The following table presents the summary of the implemented actions both Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, and then it was continued with the discussion of the implemented actions. Table 8: The Summary of the Situation both in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 No. The Actions Cycle 1 Cycle 2 1. Implementing the jigsaw technique in the reading class Basically, through this action students were expected to be enthusiastic in the class. In Cycle 1, this action was not quite successful implemented. The students were still confused about the procedure of the jigsaw technique. They were still confused about their role in the expert and jigsaw group. Besides, the students took quite long time in forming the jigsaw group and they forgot their jigsaw groups as they were asked to gather in their jigsaw group. In Cycle 2, the revised actions made this action running fluently. With permanent group both for the expert and the jigsaw groups, the students could apply jigsaw technique faster. There were no reasons for the students to forget their group since their names were written in the group name board. 2. Employing the stages of the Genre-Based Approach in the teaching- learning process Employing the stages of Genre-Based Approach made the class not too monotonous. Also, it could be combined with the jigsaw technique in which the group discussion and group presentation were applied in the JCOT stages. In this stage, the researcher can guide the students in discussing texts and doing the tasks. In Cycle 2, the group discussion in the expert was applied in the JCOT stage and the group presentation in the jigsaw group was applied in the ICOT stage. It was to adapt the designed activities in Cycle 2 which the material was procedure text. Besides, it could maximize the allocated time since in the ICOT stage, the students did the task together. Continued