Implementation of Jigsaw Literature Review 1.

In addition, Novianto 2012 writes thesis about effort to improve the students’ reading comprehension using jigsaw technique. This study tries to find out whether the jigsaw technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension or not. This study is classified into action research. The subject of the research is the second year students of SMAN 1 Kalasan Yogyakarta. In conclusion of the study, Novianto 2012:173-174 says that all students were enthusiastic in joining the reading class, they all were active in sharing and discussing their texts in their expert group and they all presented their texts to their jigsaw group mates and the students dared to share and ask their friends when they got the problems or when they did not know about the texts they read after the jigsaw technique was implemented in the class. Thus, those studies find that the implementation of the jigsaw technique is believed to be effective to improve the students’ reading comprehension. The differences between those studies and this study are the use of the methods, the materials, the time of the research and the subject of the research.

C. Conceptual Framework

The concepts of the jigsaw technique to improve the students’ reading comprehension have been explored in the previous section. In this section the conceptual framework will be explained in detail. The English teaching can not be separated from teaching reading. Considering the importance of teaching reading in terms of reading comprehension, it is important to find the suitable technique since the students were less motivated and felt bored in facing the English text. There should be a technique that can promote the language learning. The jigsaw technique can be used to improve the students’ reading comprehension since it can bring the meaningful activity to the students. The jigsaw technique can be used as one of the methods to teach reading in order to make the learning activity not too monotonous. In the jigsaw technique, the students are divided into several groups where each group is given different parts of the text. To get all the information, the students will actively find the information from all groups. All students will have the contribution in the teaching learning process so they will be more motivated. In addition, the students will be challenged to know the information that they do not know. That is why in this research, the jigsaw technique has been chosen by the researcher to improve the class VII C students’ reading comprehension at SMP N 2 Depok. 32


In this chapter, the researcher discusses how the research will be conducted in detail. This chapter is divided into eight subchapters. They are research type, research setting, subjects of the research, time of the research, data collection technique, data analysis technique, validity and reliability of data, and procedure of the research. Each of them is discussed below.

A. Research Type

This research uses the principles of action research. It is used to carry out actions to improve the students’ reading comprehension of class VII C of SMP N 2 Depok. Kemmis and McTaggart in Koshy 2005: 4 state that action research involves a spiral of self-reflective spirals of planning a change, acting and observing the process, reflecting, acting and observing, reflecting, and so on. In addition, Burns 2010: 2 claims that the central idea of the action part of AR is to intervene in a deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring about changes and, even better, improvements in practice. The researcher collaborated with the teacher and the research team members in identifying the problems, planning and carrying out the actions, and evaluating the actions implemented.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted at SMP N 2 Depok focusing on class VII C. The school is located at Street Dahlia Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The available rooms in this school are the headmaster’s room, teacher’s room, a room for guidance and counseling, an administration room, a school health unit, a kitchen,