Meeting 2 Report Cycle 2 1. Planning

to the students but the researcher did not explain the correct answer like doing the jumbled sentence. They did not found any significant problem in doing the task since the answer was provided in the box. The students were challenged and eager in doing the tasks. It could be described from the field notes below. After that, they went back to the jigsaw group to tell their teammates in order to fix the text with the complete texts. Then, they did the true-false task from each of the texts. To do the task, they should have the right and complete texts which were fixed in the expert group. The researcher asked the students in each groups to answer the task one by one. After discussing the task, the remaining time was used by the researcher to explain again about procedure text. Lastly, before going home, the researcher told the students that that meeting was the last meeting for the researcher to teach them. The researcher said many thanks and said farewell to the students.

3. Reflection

In Cycle 2, it could be said that the plan was successfully implemented. With the revised actions after Cycle 1, some improvements were achieved. The reflections of actions were explained below. Mereka sibuk menggunakan kamus untuk mencari kata yang mereka tidak tahu untuk melengkapi dan memahami teks tersebut. They were busy to find out the correct answer by looking up and checking the difficult words in dictionary to complete and understand the text. FN 13-28-052014

a. Implementing the Jigsaw Technique in the Reading Class

The students did not spend the time to make the group. They were not confused anymore with the procedure of the jigsaw technique. It made the better teaching-learning process. Through this action, the students became more active and enthusiastic to be engaged in the teaching-learning process. Those can be proved through the interview transcript below. R: Menurut ibu, bagaimana perkembangan murid-murid setelah diajar menggunakan teknik jigsaw? What do you think about the students’ progress after being taught with the jigsaw technique? ET: Banyak sih mas, mereka jadi lebih aktif dari sebelumnya terutama saat proses diskusi dan presentasi, terus mereka juga gak ramai sendiri karena mereka tampak antusias dan tidak ngantuk lagi saat pelajaran. There were many progresses actually, they become more active than before especially in the discussion and presentation process, and then they were not noisy like before because they were enthusiastic and they were not yawned again in the learning activity. Interview Transcript 23

b. Employing the Stages of the Genre-Based Approach in the Teaching- Learning Process

After the revised plan of actions in Cycle 1, the students were not shy anymore to ask questions in group the discussion so their understanding toward the generic structure and language features of the text was improved. It could be seen from the field note below. Hampir semua siswa di kelompok ahli mulai aktif dan berani untuk bertanya pada R tentang apa yang tidak mereka ketahui tentang teks yang mereka bahas. Almost all of the students in the expert groups started to be active and dare to ask to the researcher about what they did not know about the discussed- text. FN 11-21-05-2014 The students were also not confused again with the teacher’s instruction in telling the topic since he wrote the topic in the white board. Applying the presentation session of the jigsaw group in the ICOT stage also gave a good effect for the students. They became more serious and confident in sharing their ideas since the presentation process was also scored in Cycle 2.

c. Providing More Input Texts in the Form of Handouts

With the revision of the handout, the students became challenged in doing the task. Their understanding toward the text was improved because the various models of the text were presented in the handout. They were willing to understand the text and identify the components of the text by underlining those parts. d. Giving the Students an Opportunity to be More Active Through Group Discussion and Group Sharing Section. The last action was giving the students an opportunity to be more active through a group discussion and a group sharing section. In the discussion process, each group could undergo it well so they could find the specific information of the text easily. Each of the students was active to discuss the text and they had responsibility to the jigsaw group so each of the students was contributed in the class. It could be seen from the field note below. Masing-masing Ss berbagi peran di kelompok dengan cara mengerjakan soal teks yang menjadi bagiannya di grup ahli. Each of the students took part in their jigsaw group by doing the task of the text that became their master or topic in the expert group. FN 12-26-05-2014