Employing the Stages of the Genre-Based Approach in the Teaching – Learning process

Next, the researcher designed the scaffolding task in the handout. The first task would be jumbled sentences or filling the blank spaces and the next task could be a true-false task or WH-Question. It was because the given task in Cycle 1 seemed too easy for them so they were not challenged in doing the task. d. Giving the Students an Opportunity to be More Active Through Group Discussion and Group Sharing Section. The last action was giving the students opportunity to be more active through group discussion and group sharing section. In Cycle 2, the researcher divided the clever students into each expert group; it was expected that they would be as controller in the group discussion. It would make the process of discussion running fluently. It was planned based on the teacher’s advice as shown in the interview transcript below. R: Ini kan saya sudah selesai cycle 1, dari pengamatan saya ada masalah yang muncul selama saya mengajar. Saya lihat kog kayaknya selama pembentukan kelompok jigsaw maupun ahli kurang efektif karena sering ada murid yang lupa dan juga kurang merata dalam pembagian kelompoknya. I had done the Cycle 1, from my observation, there were some problems in the teaching-learning process. I noticed that in grouping both jigsaw and expert group was still ineffective because the students forgot the group and not balanced in dividing the group ET: Sepertinya memang begitu mas, apalagi di proses diskusi di kelompok ahli kayaknya harus ada 1 siswa yang pintar sehingga menjadi kontrol di kelompok ahli. Sehingga mereka diskusi dengan cepat dan tepat. Kalau kelompoknya dibuat secara permanen aja bagaimana mas? Caranya dengan mencamtumkan nama anggota kelompoknya di papan nama kelompok baik jigsaw maupun ahli. I think so especially in the expert group should be one clever student as the controller in there so the discussion would be quick fast and right. How about making the group permanently? The way was by writing their name in the board name group both jigsaw and expert. Interview Transcript 16

2. Action and Observation

The researcher implemented the revised plan in Cycle 2. There were four meetings in Cycle 2. The action was held on 19 th , 21 st , 26 th , and 28 th May 2014. The actions were reported below.

a. Meeting 1

In this meeting, the researcher implemented actions in Cycle 2 which the researcher started to teach procedure texts with “Technology” as the theme. The researcher explained the goal that should be achieved after opening the class. The researcher asked one of the students about the definition of the procedure text and he responded to it “It dealt with how to make something” since the procedure text had been learnt by him from the English teacher. Then, the researcher discussed the text entitled “How to turn on a computer” and he explained the function of the text, the generic structure, and the language features like a word order and imperative sentences. The next activity, of course, was the group discussion in the expert group. They did not have to make the jigsaw group first to determine the expert group to apply the jigsaw technique. It was because the researcher had formed both jigsaw and expert groups permanently. The expert group was divided into 5 with each of groups discussing different texts. The expert groups were group 1: How to charge a hand phone battery, group 2: How to send an email, group 3: Printing a file, group 4: How to clean a refrigerator, group 5: How to operate a washing machine. They had to revise the texts to have the right sequence steps. In this process, they were challenged to fix the text. Along the