Employing the Stages of the Genre-Based Approach in the Teaching- Learning Process Meeting 1

The students gathered to the expert group quickly since the researcher had put each of groups with the group name board to set the place and their names were written in that board. They continued to discuss the text they got to be fixed. After that, the researcher checked each group whether they were correct in revising the text. He then asked them to go back to the jigsaw group after the texts were revised. They shared the revised text to each other and they had to answer the question about all the texts. They seemed cooperative to do the task. The researcher gave 15 minutes to do it. Then, they submitted their work and the researcher discussed the answer of the texts. He wrote the answer in the white board while the students checked and evaluated their answer. After that, the researcher moved to discuss the next material about “Food and Drink” as the theme. He distributed the handouts to the students and asked them to learn the texts. The text to be discussed in the MOT was “How to make a glass of tea”. The researcher just gave a short explanation and asked the students to identify the word order and action verbs in order to check their understanding. The next activity dealt with the discussion again and the groups were group 1: How to make a cup of coffee, group 2: How to make instant noodle, group 3: How to make a tomato juice, group 4: How to make kunyit asam, group 5: How to make cheese omelets. They were enthusiastic in discussing the text. The students had a good progress since they were dare and not shy anymore to ask what they do not know about the task. The researcher told the students which they should pay attention to word order and reasonable sequence of the steps. They had to relate one step to another step to find the right sequence. Finally, the researcher closed the class because the class was over a few minutes later.

c. Meeting 3

At that meeting, the allocated time was only 30 minutes because it was used for the teachers meeting. The researcher and the English teacher came in the class and some students were still outside eating their snacks. After they all came in the class, the researcher opened the class and checked the students’ attendance. A student named Wilda was absent at that day because she got sick. Then, the researcher asked the students to gather in the jigsaw group because they had been done and fixed the text. After getting explanation about the right steps of each of texts, it became the students’ task to comprehend the content of the text since the researcher did not explain the content of the text. Indeed, they would cooperate in the jigsaw group to understand the texts. Like the previous meeting, they had to answer the questions related to text in the jigsaw groups. The researcher asked the students to present and share their texts to another teammate to pool all information of the texts to answer the question from the text. In this meeting, the researcher gave the reward snacks to any group achieving the highest score and be cooperative in the group. They did the task with the high motivation and they tended to be in hurry in doing the task since the researcher just gave 10 minutes time. In the jigsaw groups, each of the students took a role in the group. There were no passive students in each jigsaw group since everyone was responsible to do the given-task. It could be seen from the following field notes. After that, the researcher discussed the task and wrote the answer in the board. The group that got the reward was Team D. The researcher used the remaining time to discuss the answer and the content of those five texts.

d. Meeting 4

In the last meeting, the researcher continued to teach procedure texts with food and health as the theme. He opened the class by greeting “Assalamualaikum, WR.WB.” and asked their condition. At that day, 2 students could not join the class because they got permission from the principle to prepare the MTQ competition. Next, the researcher asked the students “Do you still remember what a procedure text is?” The students responded him fluently “Yes Sir, it was a text which was to give instruction to do or make something”. Then, he gave the handouts to the students and explained the text entitled “How to make oriental fried rice”. He explained the materials that were needed and explained the steps how to make it. After that, the researcher asked the students to form expert group. For the expert group, it was divided into group 1: Keeping fit, group 2: How to make instant noodle, group 3: How to make tomato juice, group 4: How to make kunyit asam, group 5: How to make cheese omelets. In the discussion session, each of the groups had to fill the blank spaces of the text with key word provided in the box. In this process, the researcher guided the students by giving feedback Masing-masing Ss berbagi peran di kelompok dengan cara mengerjakan soal teks yang menjadi bagiannya di grup ahli. Each of the students took a part in their jigsaw group by doing the task of the text that became their master or topic in the expert group. FN 12-26-05-2014 to the students but the researcher did not explain the correct answer like doing the jumbled sentence. They did not found any significant problem in doing the task since the answer was provided in the box. The students were challenged and eager in doing the tasks. It could be described from the field notes below. After that, they went back to the jigsaw group to tell their teammates in order to fix the text with the complete texts. Then, they did the true-false task from each of the texts. To do the task, they should have the right and complete texts which were fixed in the expert group. The researcher asked the students in each groups to answer the task one by one. After discussing the task, the remaining time was used by the researcher to explain again about procedure text. Lastly, before going home, the researcher told the students that that meeting was the last meeting for the researcher to teach them. The researcher said many thanks and said farewell to the students.

3. Reflection

In Cycle 2, it could be said that the plan was successfully implemented. With the revised actions after Cycle 1, some improvements were achieved. The reflections of actions were explained below. Mereka sibuk menggunakan kamus untuk mencari kata yang mereka tidak tahu untuk melengkapi dan memahami teks tersebut. They were busy to find out the correct answer by looking up and checking the difficult words in dictionary to complete and understand the text. FN 13-28-052014