Space Triangulation Procedure of the Research

P : Kalau pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas biasanya kegiatannya ngapain aja? What are the activities during the English lesson? S2 : Ya biasanya suruh baca teks terus njawab soal gitu. Umm usually, we are asked to read a text then answer the questions. S3 : Selain itu, ibunya nerangin rumus miss. Besides, she explains the formula of the sentence structure. P : Terus selain itu ngapain lagi? And then what else? S2 : Iya terus nyatet rumus sama kata-kata dari teksnya. Nanti Miss Ira baca teksnya terus diterjemahkan, terus nulis kata-kata yang sulit di papan tulis sama artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Then we write down the formula and some words from the text. Next Mrs. Ira will read the text, translate it to bahasa Indonesia and write down the difficult words on the board with their meanings. Interview Transcript 4 Second, the writing skill was less taken into consideration in the teaching and learning process than other skills. The teacher focused more in teaching reading and grammar. The activities during the English teaching and learning process were dominated by reading activities. Most of the time the teacher asked the students to read certain texts and answer the questions instead of asking them to produce a text. The teacher did not provide enough opportunity for the students to practice writing frequently. As the teacher said, it needs a long time and process to make students to be able to produce a text. She stated that she had to teach the aspects of writing step by step. As the time was limited, the teacher tended to neglect to teach writing to students. P : Begini bu, diantara keempat skill, yang paling ibu fokuskan yang mana ya bu? Among four skills, what skill do you focus on more? GBI :Yang paling sering diajarkan itu malah readingnya, karena nanti buat ujian nasional, persiapan ujian nasional. Jadi malah untuk skill yang lain malah terabaikan. Buat writing practice saya jarang, gak nyandak soalnya ya. Kan butuh waktu yang lama ya mbak buat mereka nulis. The skill that taken into consideration more is reading skill because it will be assessed in national examination. So the other skills are not really taken into consideration. Writing practice is rarely conducted in the class since the time is limited. It needs a long time for students to write.