pictures are pivotal evidences to show visible data which support the reliability and trustworthiness of the research.

F. Instrument of the Research

The instruments used in gaining the data of this research were 1. Interview Guidelines It was used to measure how successful the action was. The interviews were done with the English teacher and some students after meeting to keep the discussion on the track. The equipment used in collecting the data is a recorder. 2. Observation Checklist The observation was done by the collaborator. This was used as a guideline to monitor the implementation of the project-based learning in the teaching and learning process. 3. Camera The researcher used a camera to capture important moments happening during the research. The pictures were able to describe the general sequences of the research. 4. Writing Tests Writing tests were implemented to examine the students’ achievement and progress. To gain the scores, the researcher made use of an analytic scoring rubric and the number of written word counting.

G. Data Analysis Technique

There were two types of data in this research, quantitaive and qualitative data. The qualitative data were in the forms of field notes or vignettes and interview transcripts. The quantitative data were in the forms of writing scores obtained from pretest and post-test. According to Burns in Burns 2010: 104- 105, there are some useful steps can be followed to get an overall framework for the analysis. She followed steps proposed by Burns: 1 assembling the data and to reread it again, 2 coding the data into more specific patterns or categories, 3 comparing the data to see whether patterns or categories are repeated across different data collecting technique, 4 building meanings and interpretation, and 5 reporting the outcomes. Students’ writing scores in the pretest and post-test were analyzed quantitatively using the descriptive technique to obtain the mean and the standard deviation and the t-test to investigate the improvement. To analyze the quantitative data, she used SPPS 20 software. She compared the mean score of each test to know whether there was an improvement of their writing skills or not.

H. Procedure of the Research

The research procedure was based on Kemmis and Mc.Tagart’s model. The research consisted of two cycles.

1. Reconnaissance

In the reconnaissance, to identify and select the field problems, the researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher, and the students of grade VIII. To identify the field problems, the researcher observed and identified problems during the teaching and learning process in the classroom, and interviewed the students as well as the English teacher.

2. Planning

Having identified the problems, the researcher and the collaborators made a series of plans. They discussed a course grid, lesson plan, the teaching technique, the materials, the activities, the learning kits, the time allocation and the evaluating technique. In the planning stage in Cycle 2, they made some changes on the activities and add some actions.

3. Action

In this stage, the plans were put into action. The researcher acted as the English teacher.

4. Observation

Observation was done by the researcher and the collaborator, while the researcher was teaching writing, at the same time the collaborator was observing the teaching learning process. An observation guideline was used to seek information regarding with the writing process and students’ writing ability. In addition, to collect richer qualitative data, interviews with the English teacher and the students were conducted. It was aimed to gather their opinions towards the teaching learning process. The use of multiple perspectives was done to avoid subjectivity in interpreting the data.

5. Reflection

At this point, the researcher made reflection on the action that has been done. The field notes and the interview transcripts were used to see the strength