Reflection Report of Cycle 2

Figure 6: The students’ end product of cycle two Unlike the previous cycle, the students could give feedback to their friends’ writing in Cycle 2 although the researcher still helped them in revising their friends’ works. By giving feedback to their friends’ works, they could also improve their knowledge in grammatical rules, mechanics and also vocabulary. By revising their friends’, writing they were expected to learn from their friends’ mistakes and errors. The feedback was also given by the researcher. Likewise in Cycle I, she gave feedback to students orally and written. The oral feedback was given directly to students during the drafting stage of composing a text. By giving feedback to them, the researcher could improve their work including in the sentence structure, vocabulary, mechanics, content and also text organization. They then, became aware of their mistakes. Employing project-based learning in the classroom could improve the students’ creativity and cooperative skill. Through project-based learning, students were motivated in learning writing since the activities in the teaching- learning process were enjoyable and fun for them. The implementation of the actions and also the use of project-based learning in Cycle 2 gave significant improvements compared to the previous cycle. In brief, PBL has been successful to make the students into better performances of teaching and learning process in writing skills. Besides, the motivation and students’ involvement and participation during the teaching- learning process also improved.

d. Findings of Cycle 2

In Cycle 2, the researcher and the collaborators employed some improved actions with the expectation that the teaching-learning process of writing could be more interesting. The change results of the actions during the teaching-learning process in Cycle I and Cycle 2 can be seen below. Table 9: The Change Results of the Improvement of the Actions during the Teaching-Learning Processes in Cycle I and Cycle 2 NO. Problems Action in Cycle I Action in Cycle 2 1. • The classroom activities lacked variation and seemed monotonous. • The students had low motivation in learning English. • The students still found it difficult in developing their ideas. By applying project- based learning in the teaching-learning process, the students could actively involve in the teaching-learning process. They seemed interested and enjoyed the learning process. The students could build their writing habits through conducting the project. However, the project development spent more time than the time planned. There were some students in the group that did not contribute in developing the project and just bothered other members. Project-based learning was effective. The students were given chances to have the experience of real writing activity in project-based learning. The students could work cooperatively. In grouping, the students that tended to be trouble maker were separated. They could finish the project on time. Employing project-based learning in the classroom could improve the students’ creativity and cooperative skill. Their writing skills were successfully improved. 2. The students had difficulties in choosing appropriate words when producing a narrative text. The researcher provided activities and tasks that enable the students to enhance their vocabulary. The students’ vocabulary was improved than before the implementation of the actions. The number of vocabulary exercises was increased since the result of cycle 1 test indicated that their vocabulary was just slightly improved. Their vocabulary mastery was improved from the previous cycle. They could deliver their ideas better. 3. • The students had had a problem with sentence structure. The feedback was beneficial for them to improve their awareness of grammatical rules and sentence structure and also help them to notice and learn from others’ mistakes. The students were able to revise their friends works although the researcher’s help was still needed. By doing this, the students were more aware to their common mistakes. It facilitated them to have better understanding continued continued NO. Problems Action in Cycle I Action in Cycle 2 3. • The students had had a problem with sentence structure. • The students often made frequent errors in punctuation, capital letters, and spelling. However, the feedback given to the students were not optimal because the time-management was not appropriate . of sentence structure especially past tense. It helped them to learn the language meanings and constructions. 4. The teacher rarely used media. The media was used to attract students’ attention in learning process. On the other hand, the media used were not varied. The researcher were only used it in the beginning of the lesson. In this cycle, the use of media was varied. The students became more interested in learning. In addition, their motivation to learn was increased.

C. Discussions

The research aimed at describing how the use of project-based learning could improve the writing skills of grade VIII students of SMPN 11 Magelang. There are five aspects of writing that were evaluated. They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. One of the main problems with the students’ writing skill was students’ attitude toward writing since the activities in the classroom was monotonous. Before the implementation of project-based learning, the students had low motivation in learning English, especially writing. Fried-Booth 2002 say that PBL is potentially motivating, empowering and challenging to language learners; it usually results in building learners’ confidence, self-esteem, and autonomy as well as improving students’ language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities. Moreover, Heines in Fragoulis 2009 states that project-based learning can improve language skills. As students get involve in purposeful communication to complete authentic activities, they have opportunity to use language in relative natural context and participate in meaningful activities which require authentic language. The implementation of project-based learning as a teaching method and the additional actions such as providing grammar exercises, providing vocabulary exercises, providing feedback and making use of media were successful in improving students’ writing skills of the class VIII C students of SMPN 11 Magelang. It could be seen from the improvement of five aspects of writing including content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. As a result, the students could produce better writing than before. The researcher started the research in February 2015 and ended it in April 2015. She implemented two cycles in this research. There were some successful and unsuccessful during the implementation of project-based learning in the classroom. The explanation of these two cycles is presented below:

1. The Design of Actions in Cycle I

a. The successful actions 1 The implementation of project-based learning in the classroom could improve the students to write confidently.